3 • third person pov.

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Okay. He was seriously fucking wrong. This day was shit.

Not even five minutes after walking in, some crazy guy is yelling at him to turn around and a crowd has already formed.

Craig turns around and IMMEDIATELY gets socked square in the face by this guy. He's probably got a black eye, and he's landed on his ass.

He knows people are laughing and recording with their phones.

He's about to yell and fight back when he looks up and sees the prettiest motherfucker.

The guy's pale and you can see freckles all over his face and arms. His hair is blonde and looks messy, but in a neat way. It also looks extremely soft

And JESUS his eyes, they're so pretty. They stand out against the rest of his face, bright blue and beautiful, even when filled with rage.

Next comes a kick to the face.

Okay fuck, he looks like a toothpick, but he knows how to fight.

Craig stands up and raises his hands.

"What the fuck is your problem?"


Could be heard within the crowd, the voice belonging to Clyde.

"Talk shit about my family's shop, spit our coffee all over the fucking table and don't even clean it up properly! Then I gotta clean up the sticky shit, I DON'T EVEN GET PAID TO WORK."

Oh. shit, fine. He admits he fucked up, probably deserved the punch, but a kick to the face, really?

"Okay, yeah, I'm sorry for calling your coffee piss. But come on man, what's really in that stuff?"

Another hit.

This time he fought back, even if he really didn't want to hit this angel in front of him.

And of course, the outcome being sent to the hospital and getting suspended for three days.

Craig's pretty sure he lost a tooth. God dammit.

He's got a crush.

Got hit, fell in love. • Tweek x Craig •Where stories live. Discover now