4 • third person pov.

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It couldn't get any worse than having your crush, who you insulted and fought, lying in the hospital bed across from you. Glaring intensely.

It'd been two days since they were in the hospital, and during that time his family visited twice a day.

Which he found odd and unnecessary, but his mom insisted.

But also during those two days, he hadn't seen the blonde's parents once. No calls or anything.

He felt kinda bad, so he tried making conversation.

"Hey.. Um..?"

"It's Tweek."


"My name is Tweek."

Weird. But okay.

"So Tweek, um.. sorry about talking shit.. about your family's business."

Tweek didn't respond for a while.

"It's fine."

"Really? That easy? Two days ago you were trying to knock all my teeth out."

"Yeah. I know it's bad, I just got pissy. Ya know, overprotective and stuff? I've kinda lost my taste because of it, been drinking it forever, so I know where you're coming from."

Craig smiled. He love his voice, especially when he's not screaming about beating the shit out of him.

"So, where'd you move from?"

"New York. It was for my dad's job."

He nodded his head slightly.

"I moved here during Middle School, kinda for the same reason. My grandpa died and gave the business to my dad."

They stayed quiet for awhile.

"Why haven't your parents come to visit?"

"Business is more important than me. Though they don't word it that way, I know what they mean."

"That sucks ass. Your parents sound like shit."

He laughed.

"They are. My mom's crazy, when I was younger she'd purposely get me sick so when I'd go to the hospital she could steal medication."

Craig's eyes widen.

"What the fuck?"

Tweek shrugged.

"She hasn't tried that in years though, so it isn't important anymore."

He laughed again.

"She was probably high while naming me."

Then they both laughed.

A few more minutes passed

"Sorry for punching you in the face. And then kicking your face. And uh, the whole fight."

This time Craig shrugged.

"kinda my fault. Sorry for being an ignorant asshole."

He nodded slightly.

Another hour passed and Craig was getting a little bored.

ya know, even trying to count all the freckles on Tweek's face from far away, which proved to be difficult, was starting to get tedious.

So, he did whatever dumb idea came to his mind first.

He got from his hospital bed and walked over to Tweek's, who was drawing on the palm of his left hand with sharpie.

Tweek looked up, waiting for him to speak.

He knew this was going to sound like a weird question, but he really wanted to get close to the blonde.

"Hey, so.. Can I like, sit with you?"

Tweek smiled questioningly.

"You really wanna sit with the kid who beat the hell out of you."


Tweek giggled, and scooted over, making enough room for the other.

Craig slowly got on the bed, making sure to be careful of his broken arm.

"So what'd you come over for?"

"Got bored."

"Oh. Well, there isn't much to do over here."

He knew that, he just wanted to closer to his crush.

"I know, but,"


"I don't know, uhhh"

Tweek stared at him, which Craig did the same, memorized by Tweek's eyes.

Tweek playful rolled his eyes.

Then he looked down at Craig's cast and smiled brightly.

"Has anyone signed your cast? I know your sister was here earlier."


If it was even possible, Tweek's smile brighten even more, and quickly pulled Craig's arm towards him and grabbed his sharpie.


He said 'sorry' unapologetically, and pulled the cap off.

"Don't look!"

Craig obeyed and turned his head.

When he turned back around, he stared in shock.

"What the fuck?"

In big lettering, taking up the front half of his cast said :


The blonde laughed loudly at Craig's horror.

"Promise not to try and cover it or anything."

He looked up from his cast, giving his attention to his crush.

Craig begrudgingly nodded.

"Yeah, whatever."

Tweek smiled, then laughed a little more before going to doodle all over Craig's unbroken arm.

Got hit, fell in love. • Tweek x Craig •Where stories live. Discover now