22 • third person pov.

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Craig banged his forehead against his desk and groaned loudly. Clyde had been here for the past hour and a half giving him 'ideas' to ask out Tweek.

"Okay okay, what about, now hear me out on this, FIREWORKS!"

Clyde lifted up his friend's head and shook it.

"Fireworks? Are you brain dead? Where am I gonna get fireworks?"

The brunette promptly ignored everything that came out of Craig's mouth and continued to talk.

"When we light them and they shoot up, they'll say 'GO OUT WITH ME TWEEK' and everyone in South Park will be able to see it!"

"That's worse than your idea about cutting a bush into the shape of Tweek's face."

"Aww are you serious? I thought that was a great idea.."

Clyde pouted as he threw himself into Craig's bed.

Craig rubbed his face. A part of him wanted to give up, but he was dead set on being able to call Tweek 'Honey' without the embarrassment he felt earlier.

"What makes it special anyways? Isn't asking out someone you like special to begin with?"

"Craig. Dude. Tweek hangs out with the girls! Of course his expectations are high. They have movie nights like all time, they've been feeding him chick flicks since day one!"

Craig looked over at Clyde and glared.

"I'm pretty sure Tweek knows this isn't a chick flick, dude. He's just-"

"Just what? Ohhhh is he playing hard to get!?"

Clyde's excitement returned within seconds. He jumped off the bed and pulled Craig out of his seat.

"If he's playing hard to get you HAVE to go over the top!"


"No? Did you hear anything I said?"

"Yes, and it's all nonsense. I'm doing this my way, your way would make me look like a loser."

Craig slowly began to drag Clyde out of his house.

"Dude, you're my best friend, but your way is soooo boring! Your idea of a fun night is staying locked up in your room!"

"That is fun."

"No it's just normal stuff, normal I tell you!"


The taller boy pulled out some crumpled money from his pants pocket and shoved it into Clyde's hand.

"Go buy some tacos and leave me alone."

The idea of food took over the brunette's thoughts. Clyde smiled and squeezed the money in his hand.

"Fine but this isn't over!"

"Yeah yeah."

Craig spoke and rolled his eyes playfully.

Once his friend left, Craig shut the door and walked back to his room.

Craig didn't need Clyde's help anymore. He'd already given him a pretty decent idea.

Now he just had to figure out how to actually make it special.

Soon I'm gonna go through all the chapters and edit all of my typos

As a birthday gift to myself I'm gonna try and finish this story. I think I've been writing this fic since I was 15? And I'll 17 Thursday so I think it's time to wrap it up lol

Got hit, fell in love. • Tweek x Craig •Where stories live. Discover now