16 • third person pov.

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Sleeping didn’t end up being the best solution, Craig kept waking up every so often, and everytime he did he felt even worse than he did before. 

The more he woke up, the closer he was to having to eventually face his parents. Which he obviously wasn’t looking forward to.

Craig’s parents never brought up stuff like this, so he really had nothing to go off of. 

Of course his parents were kind people, but in the back of his mind Craig thought maybe that was only because they’d assumed their children were straight.

By the time Craig had finally decided to just stay awake, he’d slept through his first period. No one else was home, both of his parents at work. Thank god, Craig thought.

He rolled over onto his left side to grab his phone from his nightstand. Skipping school or center classes was common in South Park, so there weren’t many texts asking where he was, except for one.


They started off simple, 

Tweek💚: Morning , Craig ! 

Tweek💚: How’d you sleep ? 

Time passed, like the early morning time they had the day before, along with the first period. 

Okay so, maybe Tweek expected Craig to be at school the same time he was yesterday.

Tweek💚: Is everything okay ? 

Tweek💚: Did you get sick or something ? :(

Tweek💚: Sorry I’m probably starting to sound annoying 

Tweek💚: I’ll leave you alone now

Craig stared at the messages for a bit, he felt warmth knowing Tweek was worrying about him but he also felt kinda bad that he hadn’t responded in time to stop the worrying.

Even with a slight headache and a bad taste in his mouth, Craig wanted to be nice to Tweek.

Craig: yeah everything’s going good dude 

Craig: just overslept :) 

He decided not to respond with anything else, he didn’t want to accidentally get any hopes up by saying he might go to school. He knew he wasn't going to. 

Craig wondered if Tweek knew. He probably did, he hung out with the girls all the time, maybe he didn’t want to bring it up over text? Maybe he wasn’t worried?

Hopefully Tweek’s parents weren’t too up to date with technology. 

Craig hped Tweek wasn’t feeling as bad as he did. 

He finally rolled out of his bed, leaving his phone on the messy blanket. He didn’t wanna look at what was being said.

Craig didn’t know most of the people in South Park, nor did he wanna know what weird shit they were probably saying about Craig hanging out with the guy who beat him up not too long ago.

The door to his bedroom opened slowly, empty like he thought. Craig trudged down the stairs, each one creaked underneath him.

All the dishes in the kitchen were already washed and put away from last night’s dinner and the morning’s breakfast, though, laying on the dining room table had a plate protected by tinfoil. 

‘We need to talk when everyone is home.’ 

Craig flicked the small piece of paper onto the floor, pulling the foil off so that he could set the plate in the microwave.

His favorite.

Maybe a sign of peace, but the boy still had his doubts. 

After a few minutes, Craig was sat at the couch watching his favorite childhood show, Red Racer.  The meal was still good reheated, he couldn’t help but eat it quickly.

Not even his favorite breakfast could bring him ease.

Craig finished the episode airing on the TV, then washed his dishes in the sink. Setting them on a cloth to dry.

He headed back upstairs to shower and dress. Once doing so he finally checked his phone again, some new messages from Tweek and a lot of tagged posts and comments, most from Instagram and Twitter. 

The only tagged post he decided to click on was one from Clyde. No caption, just a picture of Clyde sitting in his room with a shit ton of tacos. 

A silent question, asking if Craig wanted to skip school with him at his house. 

Well, of course he already knew his answer. 

Yeah, Clyde could be a crybaby idiot sometimes, but that never stopped Craig from trusting him with stuff.

Clyde already knew he was gay, and he ovboiusly didn’t see him any different. 

Craig pocketed his phone and made his way back downstairs with his wallet and house key. 

Right before leaving though, Craig looked back at the message he threw to the floor earlier. He didn’t want to have a talk, he didn’t wanna risk his relationship with his family. It’d have to come eventually, but for now Craig couldn’t stand that piece of paper.

The boy pulled out his bike from the garage, and rode his way down to his best friend’s house. 

He never thought he’d need comfort from an idiot and a bunch of Taco Bell tacos. 

Hello half of this was written like a week ago but I got distracted by my undying need to change my hair. Which now looks cute again.

So anyways next chapter is gonna be a nice besties moment between Craig and Clyde because I don't see that often. Also I just wanna assure everyone that there probably WON'T be an antagonist in this story, I don't think it needs one right now.

Also please stop asking when there's gonna be an update, I'm an unmotivated busy teen like most of y'all, I try my best lol. 💗

And I'll try to start drawing for this fic again... maybe (°^°)

Got hit, fell in love. • Tweek x Craig •Where stories live. Discover now