21 • third person pov.

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The following morning had been the best morning of Craig's life.

He came to that decision when he woke up to a sleeping Tweek, who currently had his arms wrapped around Craig.

No amount of Christmas mornings could top the feelings Craig felt.

The boy looked over at his nightstand, where his phone had been plugged and checked the time.

They had about ten minutes before his alarm went off to alert them to get ready for school.

Fuck he really didn't want to go to school, not with Tweek literally sleeping next to him.

Being sure to not move too much, Craig slowly got comfortable again and waited for the other boy to wake up.

Tweek's blonde hair looked messier than it usually did, he looked calm and his breath was even.

Craig thought to himself for a moment before pulling the blanket back a little.
Just, just a little bit.

Enough to see his own shirt peeking from underneath the covers. The shirt Tweek was currently wearing.

Craig shut his eyes in embarrassment, he felt so stupid doing that, but seeing the shorter teen in his clothes was just..

He shoved his face into his and groaned out in frustration.

God why did Tweek have to be so cute?

Tweek, being a decently light sleeper due to his bad paranoia as a child, woke up to the sound.

His eyes fluttered slightly, his vision was blurry but he could make out the outline of the boy laying next to him.


Said boy lifted his head quickly, coming face to face with a tired looking Tweek, who was still trying to adjust to the light in the room.

"Oh sorry, did I wake you up?"

"Mm.. yeah, but it's fine. That was probably the best sleep I've had since like, ever."

Craig could immediately feel his heart begin to pound.

"W-Well.. I'm happy I helped..."

The blonde snuggled into Craig's chest, closing his eyes again.

"You're just so comfortable.. makes me wanna go back to sleep."

"You can if you want. We can skip, I don't mind."

Tweek snickered, lifting his head slightly to look at the other.

"You've missed way too much school."

He lowered his head again.

"Just gimme a few more minutes."

"Whatever you want, Hon- ey..."

Craig shut his mouth quickly, only realizing what he'd said after he already said it.

Craig could feel his face burning with embarrassment. He seriously didn't mean to say that part out loud.

The teen had already ran out of his room talking about getting ready before Tweek even had the chance to look at Craig's face.

Breakfast was nice, Tweek had giggled at Ruby taunting, asking why her brother's face was so red. This only made Craig blush even harder.

Even the walk to Craig's bus stop was nice.

Craig's pants were too big for him to fit, so he wore the same pants from the day before, but wore one of Craig's shirts. The finishing touch was the hoodie Craig had let him keep last night.

Got hit, fell in love. • Tweek x Craig •Where stories live. Discover now