🎇Teen!Dean Winchester X Teen!Reader🎇

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(Reader and Dean are about 18 in this :))

Summary: Your boyfriend, Dean, takes you to a surprise location where you two can spend New Years Eve together. 

"This is amazing, Dean. Thank you." You said, softly, turning your head to look at him. He gave you a cheeky grin before gently kissing you. Your parents were both out on a hunt and Dean thought it would be nice to spend the night together. John was out at the bar and Sam was over at a some girl named Jess' house. He had arrived at your house around eleven thirty at night so he could take you to see some fire works. The Impala was parked on a hill that had the most wonderful view. You both lay next to each other gazing up at the fireworks and stars, there wasn't a cloud in sight, the sky lighting up from the firework show. 

"Hey." Dean whispered, gently nudging you with his elbow. You tore your eyes away from the sky to look at him. "Happy New Year." He smiled softly, you smiled back,

"Happy New Year, Dean." You replied with before kissing him.

Yeah, this was definitely going to be a night to remember.

*✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫*✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫* ✫*゚・゚。.★.*

A/N: Hello! thank you for reading :) I've been sick these past two days so I tried to get this out as soon as I could <3  (no, I haven't got corona!)

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