Dean Winchester X Reader

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Summary: You're about to go out on  a food run but before you go, you ask Dean to make a list of some of the things he would like you to get. What he writes...well, let's just say you weren't expecting to see he'd written this. 

"Dean, I'm going on a food run! Want anything?" You called, grabbing your car keys, purse, and phone. You heard a knock on your bedroom door frame, glancing up you noticed it was Dean. "Hey. I asked if you wanted anything?" Dean bit his lip before replying,

"No, I- uh...I heard." He smiled somewhat nervously, "Here." He handed you what looked like to be a shopping list. "Just some things I'd like you to pick up...I have to do some more research. Sammy insisted it." He rolled his eyes jokingly at the last part. You laughed a little,

"Alright," You took the note, opening it, and when you looked down at it to see what he had written, shock immediately spread through your veins. "Dean..." You trailed off, looking up at him through your lashes to see him biting his lip softly. 

"Hopefully, when you get back, you'll have everything on the list?" He smiled softly before exiting the room. You felt your heart beating so fast against your chest, and you were sure that your cheeks were red by now. Glancing back down at the note you smiled to yourself, 

"Shopping list" Was written on top of the folded paper and inside it read, 

I like you a lot, Y/N. I have for a while now actually, and I was wondering if you wanted to go out on a date sometime? 

tick yes or no 


Yeah, you were definitely going to get what he wanted on the list. And with that, you ticked yes.

*✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫*✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫* ✫*゚・゚。.★.*

A/N: I've had an idea to write something like this for a while, hopefully it wasn't too cheesy or whatever :) hope you liked it <3

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