❄️Castiel X Angel!Reader❄️

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Summary: You're an angel who rebelled and is Castiel's girlfriend. Since it's that time of year,  you and Castiel go Christmas shopping! :)

"Oh, my gosh! I am so excited, Christmas is only 3 weeks away!" You squealed, walking hand in hand with Castiel, your boyfriend, into the mall. Cas smiled at your excitement and followed wherever you needed to go. 

"I do not understand the idea of gift giving, Y/N." Castiel was still a bit new to the whole idea of Christmas and was quite confused about what people do to celebrate, and one of those things were gift giving. Today you and Castiel were going to buy some things for Sam and Dean, maybe for a few others too. The Winchester's have done a lot for you both so it was only fair that you got them something. You invited Cas to come along because he's always doing "Angel things" or "Hunting" so you thought it'd be nice if he came along, to keep you company and to also experience a human activity.   

"Cas, I've already explained it to you, like, five times." You said, with a fond smile, "Okay! So, first things first we are going to get something for Dean," You stated, walking over to a store that sold men's wear, dragging Cas along with you. "What does Dean like?" You muttered quietly to yourself. Cas heard and answered, even though you were just thinking out loud,

"Well, Dean likes leather." Castiel said, "Maybe get him one of those leather jackets?" He suggested. You liked that idea so you got Dean that along with other things like, Flannel shirts, mix tapes of some of his favorite music, which was hard to do since Dean already had a lot, his favorite beer and, of course, his "lady" magazines. At first, Cas didn't seem to realize what those were until you showed him the cover.

As the day went on, Christmas shopping was actually really enjoyable for the both of you. You got Sam some flannel shirts as well, a moose plush toy, his favorite alcohol drink and a copy of his favorite book that was he had when he was a kid but lost it years ago. You even managed to sneak a few things for Castiel too, when he wasn't looking. He did the same, sneaking things for you when you were occupied with other things. 

But one thing Cas still wouldn't understand was,

"Y/N? Why do we need me on top of a tree?" He had asked when you mentioned getting an angel for the top of the tree. 

"Cas, we are not putting you on top of the tree, we put an angel ornament or a star on top as decoration." You had emphasized, so he would understand. And he did...sort of. 

*✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫*✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫* ✫*゚・゚。.★.*

A/N: I've been really busy lately due to Christmas coming up and I would have felt really bad if I didn't publish anything this week so, here's this :) I hope you all enjoyed reading!

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