Dean Winchester x Reader

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i know! i'm posting this soo after the festive season xD 

Summary: it's that festive time of year again, and what better way to celebrate it than with your favorite person?

"Alright, so we got what looks to be a life time supply of  chips--" His eyes, deadpanned, as they looked into your teasing ones. "--thanks Y/N. We got some beer, candy, some of the best-- and I stand by what I mean-- the best Christmas movies of all time right here. And, most importantly--"



Eyes locked once more, but this time yours were the ones that held no amusement whatsoever, his trying to look innocent. 

"These are porn mags." Your face held disgust while Dean just stared at you, teasingly wiggling his eyebrows. 



You shrugged, not bothered. You had hit him on the head with one. 

"Alright, so now that that's knocked some sort of sense into you, lets just watch a movie yeah?" You gave him one of your best puppy dog looks.

It was a stare off for about a minute before he caved and you both made your way from the kitchen to the "Dean Cave" to watch 'National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation', cuddling-- much to Deans reluctance. We know he secretly enjoys it though.


"Miracle!""Son of a--" You both exclaimed in surprise as a giant ball of fluff suddenly jumped onto the chair you were on. Seemed like the dog wanted in on the cuddles too. Hint: mainly from you since he loved your hugs especially. 

and, lets just say that, when Sam got home later that night after spending some time with Eileen, he took that moment to capture what could have been the most heart-warming photo. Perfect for the holiday card, he thought, as he snapped a photo of you, Dean, and of course, Miracle all lay snuggled under a blanket. 

Yeah, Dean was a little pissed at Sam for that one and also cause you-- and I quote-- said that "his hair looked like a hedgehog". 

Well, I would say that was a successful Christmas. Wouldn't you? 

 A/n: hi! hope you enjoyed reading :) and yes, it isn't Christmas anymore as I'm posting this xD but that's okay ;) and happy new year by the way! <33 

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