Dean Winchester X Reader

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Summary: You're another hunter that Dean met while Sam was away at Stanford, You and Dean got really close and even developed feelings for each other but didn't do anything about them because neither of you thought the one liked the other that way. So, once Dean got Sam from Stanford he made a quick stop to go get you to help out on finding his Dad.

(this is placed in 1x01 so there could be some spoilers, just letting you know :))

Sam finally agreed to go on this hunt with Dean. He went back to his apartment, got his things, said goodbye to Jess and he was off. Once he got back in the impala Dean turned to him and said,

"We have to make one more stop before we go lookin' for Dad." He flashed Sam a quick smile and started up the car to make his way to the bar you worked at, to pick you up. Sam raised both of his eyebrows expectantly as if asking Dean to explain further.

"Umm, Dean, where else do you need to go? Let's just look for Dad. Finish up this hunt. Take me back to Stanford in time for Monday and then you can go where ever you need to, alright?" Sam asked. Dean sighed, shaking his head. No more than 30 minutes ago Sam didn't even want to know where they're Father was and now he's willing to go find him.

"Look Sammy, there's this women, she's a hunter-" Dean started to say but Sam cut him off.

"Ohh, that's what this is about, you're in love." Sam teased with a smug smile on his face.

"Oh for the love of-No, Alright that's not what it's about at all! She just- Her name is Y/N, okay? A damn good hunter I met on a voodoo case a few months back. We stayed in touch and she so happens to work at a bar 10 miles away from here. So, I'm gonna' ask her to come with us, alright?" Dean explained with a slight blush on his cheeks from just thinking about you. Sam noticed but didn't mention anything and he just smirked to himself,

"Alright." Sam scoffed rolling his eyes with a shake of his head because it was obvious Dean was hooked on this girl but clearly in denial of it all.

A little while later, Sam and Dean arrived at the bar and made they're way inside. It was really early in the morning so it was kind of quiet around. 

"Well, well, look who it is, Dean Winchester." A confident, strong voice rang throughout the bar. It was you. When Dean caught your eyes, you simply winked and smiled like you always did as a greeting.

"Hey Y/N." Dean smiled softly, walking right up to you and giving you a hug. Sam was shocked by Dean's actions. He hardly ever hugs anyone, like ever.  Sam smirked to himself watching you and his brother pull away and gaze into each others eyes for a moment before getting back to the task on hand, what they came here for in the first place.

Dean cleared his throat, blushing slightly "Y/N, it's good to see you. This is my brother Sam. Sam this is Y/N, the hunter I was telling you about."Dean had mentioned Sam a few times while on the hunt with you, so you already had an idea of who it was. You turned away from Dean to look at Sam,

"Hi, I'm Y/N as you already know, it's nice to meet you." You smiled and chuckled, putting out your hand for him to shake. Sam accepted and was sort of taken back that you had such a firm grip.

"Yeah, it's nice to meet you too," Sam said while smiling back, letting go of your hand. You flashed him another kind smile before looking back to Dean,

"So, what bring's y'all here at six in the morning?" You asked with a teasing smile. Dean shifted on his feet slightly and avoided eye contact. You, noticing this, immediately got concerned. Your eyes darted between Sam and Dean like watching a tennis match. Sam finally spoke up after a minute, 

"Our Dad is missing." You raised both eyebrows and turned to Dean with crossed arms leaning on one leg, the expression you were giving him was clear to say you wanted more of an explanation, so he explained further.

"He was on a hunting trip and he hasn't been home in a few days." Dean looked around the room to avoid eye contact again. Then everything clicked into place. With the way Dean was acting you realized what they came here for.

"You. Want me. To come with you guys? To help look for him?" You questioned, looking at both of the boys suspiciously. Sam just smiled awkwardly, he didn't say anything since he just met you and it didn't seem like his place to convince you and anyway Dean knew you better. 

"Uhh, yeah, yes, please Y/N. I know I got my brother here but I really missed you and we could sort of use any extra help." Dean teased with a smile. You tried to keep a straight face but eventually broke out into a smile too. You and Dean both made eye contact for a while, smiling softly at each other. Sam thought that at that moment was his time to leave. Shaking his head smiling knowingly he left to go outside to the impala to wait for you two. Y/N suddenly grabbed Dean's face with both hands and kissed him hard. Dean was surprised at first because he wasn't expecting that, but he kissed her back anyway, placing a hand on her waist and one in her hair to pull her closer and to deepen the kiss, tongues soon joining the fun. They pulled away, lips slightly swollen and they were both in a daze staring at each other. Y/N smirked,

"Well I haven't got all day, c'mon Winchester." She walked away leaving a love struck Dean staring at her. Dean quickly snapped out of his daze and muttered under his breath "That woman will be the death of me." He shook his head still smiling and walked out to the impala, ready to get this hunt over and done with so he and Y/N can continue that kiss later.

A/N: Wow.. this is over 1000 words! This is my longest imagine yet :D I hope you all liked it! I'm sorry if my writing isn't that good yet, I'm still quite new to this.

                          *✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫*✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫* ✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫*

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