Sam Winchester X Reader

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Summary: You take care of Sam when he's sick.

"Y/N." Sam called, hoarsely. You'd been looking after him all morning, which you didn't mind at all, but since Dean was currently out on a case with Cas and Jack, it was just you and Sam. You had volunteered to stay back and look after him, that took some convincing Dean. When Sam got sick, it was like he was either drunk or drugged, in a way. He would always goof off and be extremely clingy to you- which you thought was kinda cute. 

"I'm on my way, Sam!" You called back, carrying a tray that had a bowl of soup, glass of water, and some Tylenol on it for him. Entering his room, you saw that he was bundled up in a huge blanket on his bed, coughing a lot. "Oh, that cough is back isn't it?" You asked softly, looking at him with a sympathetic look on your face, placing the tray on the bed. Earlier this morning he had only coughed for a little bit, but now it was back. 

"I'll...I'll be fine." He whispered, his nose was clogged up, making him sound adorable. You smiled softly, when he started to stare at you. "You're really pretty, ya know that?" He asked, still staring intently at you. You were sure you blushed a little at his comment,

"Thank you, Sam" You handed him his water and Tylenol. "You're really handsome too." You replied, with a teasing wink. He laughed softly, which made you giggle a little. "Alright, so I'm going to go and take a shower, you try and get some sleep, okay?" You were hesitant to leave him, which Sam seemed to notice. He was very grateful to have you and you taking care of him.

"Y/N, I'll be fine." He smiled reassuringly. "Go and take your shower an' I'll just sleep for a lil' while..." He trailed off, mumbling sleepily. You smiled softly and put the blanket over him a little more to keep him warm. Placing a gentle kiss on his forehead you whispered, 

"Sweet dreams, Sam." 

*✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫*✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫* ✫*゚・゚。.★.*

A/N: So, I was sick while writing this and yeah, it might be a little poorly written but- *shrugs* oh well <3 and I've been so busy lately... but I hope you liked it :)

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