Sam Winchester X Reader

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Summary: While Sam and Dean are on a case, Sam notices a girl around her early twenties working at a cute little coffee shop. And that girl just so happened to be you. 

(the gif is clearly from season 1 so this is going to be with a young Sam, like from season 1)

Sam was listening to his brother Dean rant on and on about a case he just found in the town they were currently staying at the motel in, while sitting in the local coffee shop. Suddenly, Sam caught sight of this beautiful H/C haired girl that was dressed in a green apron and white polo shirt with a pair of black jeans and black vans. She looked to be around his age and seemed to work here. She must of felt someone staring at her, she looked up from taking order's and locked eyes with him. Dean stopped his rant as he noticed Sam was hardly paying any attention to him but then he realized that Sam was staring at you. So, he 'accidentally' spilled his drink to get both of you're attentions which it obviously worked as it startled the pair of you from the staring contest you seemed to be having. You quickly went and got a towel and rushed over to they're table to clean up the mess.

"I am so sorry, It must have slipped." Dean said with a fake apologetic smile and nervous laugh. You glanced up at him and smiled reassuringly,

"Oh no, it's completely fine, it happens all the time don't worry about it."  You said softly. Sam also helped clean up by quickly grabbing a few napkins from the table and joined you on the floor to mop up the spilled liquid. 

"Here, let me help." Sam requested softly. You smiled and said that it's alright and that you didn't need any help but Sam insisted. Dean was still searching up information about the case on his laptop but also payed a little attention to the exchange. He smiled watching You and Sam interact with each other. After a minute of helping you, Sam gazed softly up at you and smiled a little, you returned his gaze and smiled too. 

A/N: It's kind of short, sorry about that. I have been trying to make these a little longer :)

                           *✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫*✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫* ✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫*

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