Dean Winchester X Reader

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(Gif is a little small but just enjoy Dean laughing :))

Summary: You're Deans girlfriend  and since it's that time of year again, you decide to make Deans birthday the best one yet!

"Hey, Y/N..." Dean trailed off, stopping in the doorway to the kitchen abruptly. Your head shot up, seeing Dean staring at the room in shock and surprise. 

"Happy Birthday!" You yelled, throwing your arms out, doing some jazz hands. Dean just stared at you for a second before breaking out into a wide smile that made crinkles by his eyes. He walked towards you, pulling you into a big hug. 

"So..." You trailed off, pulling out of the hug, "Do you like it?" You looked at him shyly, waiting for his answer.

"Like it!? Y/N, this is awesome! Thank you." He gushed before pulling back into another hug. You breathed out a sigh of relief. You were scared he wasn't going to like it since he doesn't usually celebrate his birthday. After pulling away, he made a beeline for the pie you had set out on the table. The kitchen was decorated in banners quoting 'Happy Birthday Dean!' with little pies and Impalas scattered around on the print. You had gone to the printers that week and designed it yourself, hoping that he'd like it. You had also gotten him a few gifts. Some that were probably best to keep in the bedroom but other than that, you had gotten him some new flannels, cassette taps of old songs he liked, a cherry pie scented car air freshener, and you baked a lot of pies that you'd been slaving in the kitchen for for about a week.  

"So, I was thinking, since you don't really celebrate your birthday, we could this year?" You smiled softly, Dean looking up from his pie and returning the smile. All of a sudden, you were laughing,

"What?" Dean asked, around a mouth full of pie. You, still giggling softly to yourself, pointed at around his mouth and chin. Dean touched his face and looked at his fingers, also chuckling a little when he saw that there was some jam on them. He licked them off before accepting the tissue you were offering him. After he'd wiped his mouth clean, he smiled cheekily at you before returning to his delicious desert. It wasn't long before Sam came back from his run to join you both. The day was filled with giving Dean his gifts, sharing childhood stories, laughing, and just being with each other. Cas also came by from his duties up in heaven to wish Dean a happy birthday and give him his gift. 

Dean was currently recovering from the joke you just told him, throwing his head back in laughter,

"Seriously?" He said after he calmed down his laughter. ""Why did the teddy bear say no to desert? Because he was stuffed?"" He quoted what you said still chuckling a little. Sam was giggling to himself, also finding the joke funny. Cas however, didn't really understand it so you had to try and make him understand, and when he did, he smiled a little finding it humorous. 

Making him laugh so hard tears came out, making his birthday so amazing, even baking him pie. Dean really did have the best girlfriend ever.

*✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫*✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫* ✫*゚・゚。.★.*

A/N: Hello! I hope you enjoyed some fluffy, happy Dean! It was his birthday a few days ago and I wanted to write something to do with that :) 

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