Dean Winchester X Daughter!Reader

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(this also includes Jack Kline X Reader :))

Summary: What happens when Dean finds his daughter cuddling with the nephilim?

"Y/N, we're home!" Dean and his brother, Sam, came trotting down the stairs in the Bunker, dropping their duffle bags and hunting gear at the bottom, "Sweetheart?" Dean called, looking for his daughter. You usually always greeted him and Sam with a huge smile and hug, but you were not there for some reason. 

"Maybe she's sleeping?" Sam suggested, Dean nodded thinking that could be true, "She has been staying up late a lot recently." Sam continued, and patted his brother on the shoulder, giving him a small smile before going to get a bite to eat in the kitchen.

Dean made his way through the Bunker's halls, making his way to your room- which was not far down from his- and when he was about to knock, he stopped. The door was open ajar, the lights were off so he thought that maybe you'd just forgot to close the door or something, but the TV was still playing, the quiet sound of Scooby Doo sounding throughout the room. 

"Son of a bitch." Dean stopped dead in his tracks. After turning on the lights he saw you and Jack, asleep, cuddling on the bed. From hearing Deans loud voice, you and Jack were startled awake. 

"Oh- Hey, Dad!" You squeaked, sitting up in the bed, smiling nervously. Jack was just sat there looking like a confused puppy. It was no secret that the nephilim had started following you around like a lost puppy and took interest in you ever since he came to the Bunker. 

"Hello, Dean." Jack smiled and waved. Dean just quickly shot him a fake smile and then turned to look at you with a bitch face, crossing his arms. 

"You, you, me in the map room, right now." Dean pointed to the both of you and then made his way out of the room. 

"Don't worry Jack," You smiled softly, at the nervous nephilim. He hated it when someone got angry. "My Dad can be a bit of a douche sometimes, but that's just because he's protective." You teased, making Jack smile a little, feeling less nervous knowing you'd be there with him while you both got a talking to. 

"I heard that!" Deans voice sounded from the map room.

You, Jack, and Dean were sat at the map room table, Sam was out on a food run after finding out Dean had ate most of the food. Dean was sat there staring through Jack with his chin resting on his fist, 

"Okay, Dad. Listen, I'm sorry I didn't tell about Jack and I, but if you'd found out you would've been really mad, kind of like you are right now." You muttered the last bit. Dean finally turned his gaze away from Jack to look at you, 

"Y/N, you're right. I am mad but I'm not surprised." You and Jack both started at Dean with shocked looks on both of your faces. Dean rolled his eyes when he noticed the looks he was getting, "You both spend so much time together and are always alone together. So, me and Sam kind of were...y'know..." Dean trailed off, hoping you'd understand what he meant. 

"Together?" You stated more than asked. Dean nodded. Jack finally spoke up after thinking carefully of what to say,

"I really like, Y/N." Deans attention was caught by Jack and you blushed, "She's really nice, pretty, and she makes me really happy." Jack looked at Dean smiling widely. Dean stared at Jack before letting himself smile a little, he looked at you for a moment and you nodded at him. Although Dean wasn't too happy with your relationship, he was glad that you were happy. 

*✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫*✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫* ✫*゚・゚。.★.*

A/N: hope you enjoyed reading! :)

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