crowley x fem!reader

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A/N: this takes place during season 12's finale. crowley does not die! (also please ignore that fact that he is on the phone in the gif xd i might change it later :P) 

summary: after the loss of your brother, cas, you go to the only person who can bring you comfort. the devil king himself. 

word count: 445

•°. *࿐


crowley, who was currently sat on his throne in hell, looked up from his work at the sound of a familiar, delicate voice that rang throughout the quiet echo-y room.

"juliet." he gave a rare smile upon noticing it was you. the angel who stole his heart- yes he has one. (LOL sorry)

juliet was a nickname that he'd given you since your favorite book was shakespeare's romeo and juliet. (after he had explained to you what a nickname was, of course)

"hello, romeo." you said again, fiddling with your hands. you were nervous, anxious he noted.  

"what brings you here, angel?" his british voice laced throughout his words, tone full of confusion. since you got scared of how dark it was down there in hell, your words not his, even though he did agree, it was usually him that would visit you, on earth, in the bunker where you lived. 

"i-" you pause before softly sighing, "i miss him." your voice cracked.

your voice was that quiet it would've been hard for him to understand what you had said, but because the room was that quiet, he just caught it. 

he hummed, nodding understandably. even though he wasn't too fond of the blue eyed, bee loving angel, he knew how close you two were. and the recent loss of him to that lucifer, he could understand.

"come here." he nodded you over. you gladly accepted his arms as he took you in his embrace. 

you could believe the looks on sam, deans, and even the demons in hell's faces the first time they caught him hugging you. but of course since then, no one batted an eye as they'd gotten used to seeing the king of hell show someone- not just anyone, but you- affection. 

even though angels didn't really show emotions ever he could feel his shoulder getting dampened by your tears; your shoulders shuddering with every hiccup. 

"c'mon, dry those tears and we can go and have a nice cup of tea, or whatever you angels drink." he chuckled lightly, lifting your chin up. you also gave a teary giggle, replying,

"but angels don't drink-" 

"ah, right.. well how about some whisky?" 


no matter how, crowley never failed to make you feel better. 

A/N: might edit this later tbh xd i don't really like it, but i hope you did! :)

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