☃️Jack Kline X Reader☃️

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Summary: You are a friend of the Winchester's, a hunter, and is staying at the Bunker for the holidays. You and Jack spend Christmas Eve together while Sam, Dean and Cas go out on an unexpected hunt!

"Aww! What? Really, you guys are going on a hunt, now? I mean..." You trailed off, disappointed, sharing a sad look with Jack. You both had just found out that the boys, Sam, Dean, and Cas were all going out on an unexpected hunt, which apparently was important and they had to go. 

"We were going to watch movies together." Jack added, frowning. He was also kinda' disappointed since you both had planned a fun night of Christmas activities to do with the brothers and the angel but now they couldn't. 

"Sorry, guys. But hey! maybe you could still do those things, just together instead." Sam suggested, with a sympathetic smile on his face. He had to be honest, he was looking forward to spending Christmas Eve hunt-free for a change and actually do something fun for once but he also didn't want any more people dying from a vamp nest. 

"Okay." You sighed, Dean gave you a hug and a kiss on the head and patted Jacks shoulder before going to get the Impala ready. Cas smiled at you both and Sam gave a hug too. 

After you heard the Impala's engine, you turned to Jack and sighed, 

"So, should we carry on without the boys?" You asked, smiling, getting up out of your chair and walking towards the kitchen cupboards, for snacks. Jack smiled at you, getting out of his chair too, 

"Sure!" He grinned, taking some of the snacks out of your hands to help. You smiled back, you were both super excited for your Christmas movie marathon you'd been planning for like, a week. And also it's Christmas soon. 

In the 'Dean Cave', you and Jack were on each of the recliners with a blanket and pillows, and all of your treats were scattered across the table, "Okay so, we've got 'White Christmas, 'Home Alone', one and two," You added with a small squeal, holding up each of them to show Jack the DVDs, "'The Grinch', and..." You trailed off, looking around for the other movie. Jack held it up with a smile, 

"'Elf'." He said, handing you the movie. Once you were both settled with your snacks, the movie in play, you had both decided on 'Home Alone'. The first one, of course, since Jack hadn't seen it before. In that moment, Jack was so happy. He was really grateful to have such a caring friend. You had definitely lifted his spirits when he was feeling down or made him feel happier than he already was. Also, he got this weird feeling in his stomach whenever you touched, like a hug or kiss on the cheek, or something. He couldn't explain it but he was lucky to have you. Little did he know you liked him more than a friend.

It was Christmas day, past one in the morning, when Sam, Dean, and Cas got back from the hunt. They found you and Jack both cuddling on one of the recliners, you had gotten cold even with the blanket and Jack had suggested he could keep you warm by hugging, the ending titles of 'Home Alone' on the TV screen, and a ton of candy wrappers and snacks scattered all around. Sam was smiling softly at the sight, Cas was too. As for Dean, he did smile a little, thinking it was kinda' cute, but he was more annoyed by the mess. 

*✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫*✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫* ✫*゚・゚。.★.*

A/N: Hi there! It's almost Christmas omggg. I honestly did not have many ideas for this, I knew I wanted to write something with Jack but yeahhh. I sort of just went with it lol! :) Oh, and I sort of freaked out at the amount of reads are on this book...1k!? thank you <3

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