Castiel X Reader

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Summary: Your cat really likes Cas. So, who better than him to babysit him while you have to go out on a hunt? 

", the cat food is in there. Oh, and--" Cas cut you off before you could continue your rant. You were both in the kitchen as you were explaining where certain things were. 

"Y/N." He called softly. You looked at him-- your cat was rubbing his back against Cas' legs-- with a sheepish look on your face, 

"Yeah, Cas?" You tucked your hair behind your ear. Castiel walked over to you and pulled into a warm embrace-- your cat now sitting down and watching the exchange.

"I will make sure he is looked after when you're away." He assured you softly. You smiled, cheeks feeling warm. 

"Thanks." Pulling away, Cas smiled at you, letting you go and collect your hunting gear,

"Y/N," You looked up, looking at his questioningly, "Be careful." You smiled replying softly,

"I always am." 

"Cas! I'm home." You called, entering the Bunker after being gone for no more than a day. Dean and Sam were still out on a hunt of their own, so it was just the two of you-- and the Cat of course. "Cas?" You looked around, confused as to why he hadn't responded. Walking down the hallway towards your bedroom-- bag on shoulder-- you opened the door to see, what could've been the cutest thing you have ever  witnessed. 

Castiel was lying there on the bed leaning against the headboard with a ginger fur-ball curled up on his chest, while he watched whatever sitcom that was playing on your TV. 

Yep, he was now assigned as your official cat-sitter from now on. 

A/N: sorry this isn't very good, I didn't have a lot of ideas <3 (I'll try my best to be more active on here ;) )

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