Kevin Tran X Reader

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Summary: You're Sam and Dean's little sister and they ask you to stay back at the bunker to watch Kevin while they go on a hunt. You've got a bit of a crush on him and you think he doesn't like you that way, little do you know, he does. When you're both doing some research,  you finally confess your feelings.

(the reader is around Kevin's age :))

You and Kevin sat at the bunker's map room table doing some research together. Your brothers, Sam and Dean just left for a hunt and they asked you to watch the new kid. Kevin. You had to admit, he was pretty cute but you didn't think he'd like that way so you never asked him on a date or anything. And anyway, it's not like either Sam or Dean would approve of they're little sister dating.  Aside from you're little crush, you were both really close friends and you didn't want to ruin that, cliche right? So, here you were talking about all the information you found about another case. You suddenly stopped talking when you noticed that Kevin wasn't paying any attention to you. You cleared your throat to try and get him to focus.

"Hey, uh, Kev? Kevin? Kevin!" You clicked your fingers right in front of his face to get him to snap of out it. Literally. He jumped, startled out of his daze and shook his head as if to get rid of some thoughts he had.

"Are you, uh, alright? you kinda' zoned out there for a sec." You questioned, worried if he was okay or not. He smiled, some what hesitantly for a second but then shook his head while waving his hand,

"I'm fine, thanks. Just day dreaming, bored from all the researching y'know." He laughed nervously, hoping that he didn't just get caught watching and staring at you. 

"Oh, um, okay?" You said concerned for him because he was acting weird. You tucked some hair behind your ear and turned back to doing your research and he did as well. He was just casually prodding his lip with the pencil he was holding while reading. You stared at him doing that for a while until he noticed,

"Hey, uh, are you okay?" He asked, looking up at you. You snapped out of your daze and smiled nervously, it was like the roles were reversed seeing as this happened the other way round just now.

"I'm good, sorry." You said, embarrassed that you just got caught staring at him. He shrugged it off and resumed to what he was doing "Kevin?" it was now or never, you thought. You were going to ask him to hang out with you sometime and not just as friends. He looked up at you again wondering what you wanted.

"Yeah?" He asked. You took a deep breath in and out,

"Would, you maybe, sort of, I don't know, go out with me sometime?"  You rushed out and looked down at the table to distract yourself from embarrassment. He blinked. Once. Twice. Three times before he spoke, 

"Really..?" He breathed, trying not to show his excitement. You sighed and nodded while blushing red. He stared at you, his face turning red too. You noticed and giggled softly. He chuckled too, his face burning " Sure! I..I mean, uh, yeah I would love to." He smiled at you.

"Okay! Yeah, that's cool. Thanks" You blushed and smiled at him. His smiled got wider as he looked down at the table and back up at you. You both stared into each others eyes for a minute, then before you could even process what was happening, you reached across the table, grabbed his face with both of your hands and crashed your lips to his. He seemed shocked at first but then he kissed back. After a minute you both started to run out of breath, you pulled back and smiled. He smiled back, smiling like a love struck idiot. "I like you, like, like like you." You said, still a little breathless from the kiss. He blinked, again, and smiled so wide his cheeks hurt.

"I like you too Y/N." You flashed him a huge smile too, and you both returned to your research with huge smiles on each others faces. When Sam and Dean returned they were wondering what the hell was happening once they saw you both smile like dorks or something.

A/N: Hi! I'm sorry that this one isn't very good, I tried lol :) I didn't have a lot of ideas so I just went with it. Also, thank you all so much for 99 reads! :D 

                             *✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫*✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫* ✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫*

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