Dean Winchester X Reader

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Summary: You're a hunter, Deans girlfriend, who recently got killed by a hellhound (like 12x21) and after you died you became a ghost even though Sam and Dean burned your body, Your still around because you're attached to Dean's soul and he's crying because you appeared in front of him to say hello.

"Hi honey." You smiled and waved to your boyfriend after you appeared in the library of the bunker.

"Y/N..?" Dean whispered in disbelief, it didn't seem real that you were really there.

Dean walked up to you and asked how you were still around even though they burned your bones. You replied "Dean, the only thing that's keeping me here is you, I'm attached to your soul." You smiled softly at him when he only stared at you in shock for a long time, he looked so close to crying, that's when the walls came down and he broke.

He walked towards you slowly and looked deeply into your eyes and said "I miss you so much Y/N, you have no idea, an..and, my freakin' soul. What the hell's that about huh. Man." He ran his fingers through his short hair and shook his head.

"Soulmates? I guess, and I miss you too Dean, so much." You sighed with a teary smile, before saying "I will always be with you, remember that, I love you." And with that you blew him a kiss and disappeared.

Dean smiled through his tears and whispered to himself, hoping you could still hear him " I love you too Y/N."

A/N: Woohoo! this is my third imagine and I think it's my favorite one yet! I hope you all enjoyed reading it! :) 

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