🎃Dean Winchester X Reader🎃

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(On the gif it says someone's Tumblr name, so my only guess is that this gif is made by that person, so credit of the gif goes to them! I got it off google but still :))

Summary: You're Deans wife of 5 years and for Halloween you get dressed up as Cat Woman, and Dean doesn't usually like dressing up and all that but this year...well, let's just say he's got a surprise for you.

"Woah..." You looked up startled, walking into the kitchen in your Cat Woman costume, as it was Halloween after all. You noticed that it was indeed your husband, Dean Winchester that had breathed out 'Woah' in amazement.

"You look hot." He whistled with a smirk on his face, winking at you cheekily. You wacked him with your bag with a teasing smile,

"Why, thank you Dean." You kissed him, "I'm going to touch up my makeup and then do you wanna go?" You asked, you and Dean were heading out to a bar where they were hosting a Halloween Party, you dressed up but Dean didn't feel like it...or at least that was what you thought. 

"Uh, yeah, yeah, we can go once you're ready." He smiled giving you a peck on the cheek before heading out of the kitchen to god knows where. You nodded and went to the bathroom, after about 15 to 20 minutes you were ready, wearing your Cat Woman outfit and your makeup was just some black eye shadow, black lipstick and mascara. You walked out of the bathroom to go to the kitchen to get your bag and let Dean know it was time to go, when you entered the kitchen you stopped dead in your tracks.

"What...are you wearing?" You asked, looking at your husband who was waiting patiently for you at the kitchen table wearing a Batman costume. He looked up at the sound of your voice and smiled at you,

"I thought, why not dress up this year, you always look stunning in your costume and I wanted to match with ya." He smiled cheekily at you, walking towards you, grabbing you by the waist. You smiled back at him and smiled seductively, eyeing him,

"Yes, I think you look super handsome, Batman." He smirked at you, kissing you deeply, pulling away you walked away to pick up your bag, sling it on your shoulder and grabbed Deans hand, "Let's get going, Batman." You smiled and he winked at you,

"Alright, Cat Woman." He let you lead him to the Impala and you both headed to where the bar was at, ready for a super fun Halloween.

Oh, and if you're wondering where Sam was, he was celebrating with Eileen back at the Bunker, watching movies, cuddling, all that cute stuff :)

*✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫*✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫* ✫*゚・゚。.★.*

A/N: Alright, I know, it's not Halloween anymore but I wanted to get at least one more Halloween oneshot done before I finished this little 'series' if you want to call it that :)

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