🍁Sam Winchester X Reader🍁

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Summary: You're Sam's girlfriend and it's a cold Autumn morning, you're both cuddling in bed trying to keep warm :)

(WARNING! this is completely...what's the word? Fluffy? Anyway, there's just a lot of cuteness :))

It was about 8:30am on a cold Sunday morning, you and Sam were both wrapped up in each other in your shared bed in your bedroom at the bunker. You rolled over onto your side so that you were facing him, he unconsciously wrapped his arm tighter around you and pulled you closer to him. You shoved your face into his chest, trying to get warmer. Even though there was some heat throughout the bunker, it was still a little chilly. After about 20 minutes Sam woke up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, checked the time to see that the red light on the alarm clock read 8:50am he softly groaned and looked down to see you were snuggled right up into him. He smiled to himself and shifted slightly so he could get up. You, obviously not wanting your heat source to go anywhere, protested at that.

"No...stay." You muttered, voice layered with sleep. Sam smiled softly at you, thinking how adorable you were.

"Y/N, baby, I have to get up." Sam said, still trying to shimmy out of your grip. You, shaking your head, only gripped onto him tighter, desperately wanting him to stay. 

"Sam." You said, you looked up at him through one eye. " Get back here, now." You demanded, stuffing your face into his side and wrapping your arms around him like a koala bear. He sighed, shaking his head with a smile giving up the fight and  thinking that maybe it wouldn't hurt to stay in bed a little while longer. He got back into bed and soon you were both wrapped in each other again. His smile stayed on his face as he drifted back off to sleep "Love you, Sammy.." You muttered quietly, drifting off as well. He lightly kissed your forehead, you smiled a little.

"Love you too, Y/N." He snuggled into you and you both were sound asleep. A little while later at 10am Dean wondered where the hell you two were but it all made sense when he walked into your room and noticed you both cuddled together sleeping. He smiled at the sight and softly closed the door behind him, you both could stay there a bit longer, it wouldn't hurt. He also went to go get a camera to 'capture the moment'...aka to use it as blackmail for something later. 

                               *✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫*✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫* ✫*゚・゚。.★.*

A/N: Sorry if this isn't as cute like I planned. I might edit it later, I don't know, anyway! thank you all for voting on this book, it really means a lot to me and this is nearly at 200 reads which seems crazy :) <3

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