Dean Winchester X Daughter!Reader

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Summary: Imagine it's the day your leaving for college and your dad, Dean is giving you one last hug before you go.

(Reader is about 18 in this imagine :))

"Alright kiddo, you remember what we talked about?" Your Dad turned to you and asked with a stern expression on his face,

You sigh and turn to look at him, "Yes Dad, I remember." You both then get out of the impala and go to the trunk to get your bags,

"And what was it that we talked about?" He looked at you again a little more stern,

 You sigh for what felt like the millionth time that day, "No drinking (alcohol wise ;)), No boys and don't stay up to late studying." Your Dad passed you your bags and then gave you one last hug and kissed your head,

"I think you'll be alright kid." He smiled and let you go.

A/N: Here's my second imagine! I hope you all liked it :D

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