🎃Dean Winchester X Reader🎃

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Summary: You're Deans girlfriend and you love Halloween candy just as much as he does. So, when it's that time of year you both buy a ton of it from the store and have an awesome candy feast! ( I didn't know what the heck to put as a summary so here you go lol!)

"Oh my god! Dean, look! They've even got Hershey bars!" You said in excitement as you and Dean walked down the isle where they had a  huge selection of candy at the Walmart you guys were currently in. Deans head snapped towards your direction so fast you'd think he'd snap his neck and grabbed a handful of them and threw them into the cart along with some other random treats. 

"Oh! Y/N! look, your favorite." Dean teased with a grin on his face as he wiggled a packet of candy corn in yours. Your eyes widened and you snatched the bag from him and threw that into the cart as well. You then surprised Dean by grabbing his face and pressed a firm kiss on his lips, as a thank you gesture. You pulled away quickly before anyone saw and continued to get all the candy you could possibly fit into the cart. Other random customers in the store probably thought you and Dean were crazy or hosting some sort of Halloween party because of all the candy you guys had. After spending about an hour of just getting candy you decided to also pick up some pie for Dean 'cause why not! As soon as you got the pie into the cart Dean's eyes immediately went to it, like he sensed it was in there or something. He then looked at you with the look of love and adoration and returned the favor of grabbing you and kissing you as a thank you for getting it. " I love you so much, you know that?" Dean said while still looking at you with a lovey dovey look. You laughed, thinking he was such a drama queen. He literally looked at you like you were some sort of goddess for remembering to get some pie.

"Hmm, I know." You teased with a grin. You both made your way to the checkout so you could get back to the motel as soon as possible to eat all the treats you got. As soon as you both got into the impala, Dean grabbed two random pieces of chewy candy and stuffed them into his mouth chewing really loudly. You glanced at Dean and made a face of disgust, "Please chew with your mouth closed would ya?" You asked, Dean just stared at you while still chewing even louder if he could. He grinned back at you once he finished and said,

"...That tasted really good, wanna' have a piece babe?" You stared at him and shrugged, nodding.

"Sure." He threw you a piece and you caught it, opened it and then ate it as Dean started the car. Before he could pull off you kissed him and said, "We should do this every year." He kissed you again and replied with,

"We definitely should." You leaned your head on his shoulder as he pulled off and started to drive back to the motel you were staying at to continue eating your Halloween treats!

A/N: Terribly sorry if it's cringey, I wanted to write something cute <3 So, in celebration for Halloween this month I thought why not make some Halloween themed oneshots! I hope you all enjoy them :D Also! thank you all so much for 158 reads on this book, I appreciate it! :)

*✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫*✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫* ✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫*

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