Teen!Sam Winchester X Teen!Reader

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(I just wanted to say that this gif is from 7x03, so I got some ideas from that episode, there are going to be some spoilers :))

Summary: You go to the same high school as Sam and Dean when they are staying at a town for a month for a hunt their Dad is on. Sam sees you at the local towns library studying and he has a huge crush on you, so he tries to talk to you, it goes better then he expected :)

Sam just ended the call with his father and walked into the library where he has to get information about a werewolf case. He headed straight towards the isle where the books he needed were, while he was busy flicking through pages of a book he pick up he heard a voice say,

"Hey, Sam." He turned around and caught sight of you smiling at him and waving, he awkwardly smiled and waved hesitantly back, quickly turning back around and took a deep breath while the redness spread to his cheeks, he was blushing furiously. You attended the same school as him but you were a couples years older than him, so you were in his older brother Deans class. He shook his head as an attempt to forget you were there and try to act casual. But you weren't making it easy for him as you made your way over to where he was and smiled at him before grabbing a book from the bottom shelf. He smiled a small smile back at you, watching you walk away back to the table you were previously sat at with your friends.  

After about 15 minutes he thought he could go over and say hi or something, so he took a deep breath to calm himself and did the first thing that came to mind...

"Yeah, hey Dean. How do you talk to girls?" He asked, nervously. Dean smirked to himself on the other end of the call, knowing which girl he wanted to talk to, he knew this day would come sooner or later. After talking with his brother for some advice he ended the call and started to walk towards the table you were at.

After surprisingly not embarrassing himself from talking to you, he returned to the motel that day with his research and a light pink lipstick kiss mark on his cheek. Dean noticed almost as soon as he came in.

"Woah, Sammy who kissed you?" Dean had asked teasingly while winking at his flustered little brother.

*✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫*✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫* ✫*゚・゚。.★.*

A/N: I don't know about you but I loooooove Colin Ford as a young Sam Winchester! <3 

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