🎇Sam Winchester X Reader 🎇

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Summary: You and Sam celebrate New Years by drinking a couple beers, watching the fireworks from the roof of the Impala, that Dean reluctantly let Sam borrow for the night. 

"Thanks for this." You said softly into the night. You couldn't thank him enough, even though it felt like the hundredth time you did. Sam sipped on his beer, turning to look towards you with a kind smile.

"It's no problem, really." He said, "You've thanked me about five times already in the last hour, Y/N." He chuckled a little. You smiled looking down at your beer, picking at the label,

"I'm just really grateful to have you." You glanced up at him through your lashes, a blush rising to your cheeks and his. Even though you were both grown adults, you could still blush like a couple of teenagers. "No ones ever really done something like this for me before." Your eyes caught the next firework that lit up the sky. The lights illuminated yours and Sam's faces, to him it made you look so beautiful, even more than you already were. 

"Hey, remember when we were teenagers and we sneaked into one of Bobby's old cabins after a hunt. We were gone for about four days." He chuckled, remembering one of the many memories you two have shared. You giggled, nodding at him,

"Yeah! God, that was a fun weekend." You sighed, dreamily. Sam laughed, throwing his head back a little, knowing what you were referring to. More fireworks flew across the sky, taking another sip of your beer, you watched the amazing light show. 

Sam checked the time on his phone and saw it was [00:01] and looked towards you, 

"Hey, it's midnight. Happy New Year, Y/N." He smiled, which you returned.

"Happy New Year, Sam." And with that you both kissed, soft and slow. Once you'd both pulled away you shared another smile, you leaned your head on his head shoulder, his head on yours, watching the sparks fly and explode into the sky, lighting up the night. 

*✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫*✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫* ✫*゚・゚。.★.*

A/N: Here's some soft, adorable, happy Sam for ya! :) 

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