🍁Castiel X Reader🍁

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Summary: You ask Castiel to watch a Halloween movie with you, Hocus Pocus :)

(I'm sorry that the gif is sort of small and if you have never seen Hocus Pocus, just a warning that this may have some spoilers from the movie!)

"Hey, Cas! So, I was thinking, would you like to watch this Halloween movie with me in the 'Dean cave'?" You asked walking into the Bunkers kitchen, where the angel was sat at the table, holding the movie Hocus Pocus. Cas perked up at the mention of Halloween, the angel had always seemed a little intrigued by many human things, so celebrating Halloween was quite interesting to him,

"Sure, what movie?" Cas questioned, as you walked over to him, showing him the DVD.

"Hocus Pocus!" You announced excitedly as it was one of your favorite movies. Cas looked confused,

"Umm, Y/N are you doing a magic trick?" He questioned, tilting his head to the side with that adorable confused look on his face.

"No, Cas, it's the name of movie, see, it's about these three witches and I am not going to say anything else or it may spoil it." You teased while chuckling a little. Cas smiled and nodded,

"Sure, let's watch Hocus Pocus..." He seemed hesitant to pronounce the name, he had his confused look back on his face, "...That is an odd name for a movie." He said, tilting his head to the side again. You smiled,

"Yeah, I guess it is in a way, but since it's the Halloween season, I thought it would be nice to watch it!" You said smiling at him. "Okay, so I know you don't eat but I am still going to get some popcorn and steal some of Deans left over Halloween candy and I'll meet you in the 'Dean Cave'." You said, flashing Cas a quick smile before scurrying away to get your snacks that were in your room. 

About 10 minutes later, you were all set with your snacks, DVD in play, you and your favorite angel cuddling on one of the recliners in the 'Dean Cave' and it was the best feeling in the world, being in his soft and safe embrace. After an hour into the movie it was almost finished when Castiel started hearing soft snores coming from you, he smiled down at you and wrapped a random blanket, that was there just in case it got cold, around you both.

Well...I think it's safe to say the angel wasn't going anywhere for a little while...not that he didn't want to be...

*✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫*✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫* ✫*゚・゚。.★.*

A long authors note right here, sorry haha!

A/N: Hi! I didn't really know what Halloween themed oneshot to do with Castiel but I tried to make it work (I've literally written it about three times LOL) :) I also just wanted to say, thank you all for voting/reading my books, I really appreciate it! and for the followers, I currently have about 16, so thank you a lot! <3

Another quick little note - I have changed my username, so incase anyone is confused, I just wanted to mention lol

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