Castiel X Reader

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Summary: You're a hunter and is dating Castiel the angel, You're both having dinner at the motel your currently staying at for a hunt and you get into a small fight and Cas get's a little angry.

"Oh, c'mon Cas! I was just kidding!" You scoffed, right now you and Castiel were sitting at the motel table eating some burgers. You both just finished a witch hunt so you both got hungry, well, mostly you got hungry and since he's an angel he doesn't eat but he still had a burger anyway. So, while you were both eating you accidentally got Cas mad about something so ridiculous, to you anyway, to him not so much.

"Y/N that wasn't funny." Cas said with a flat expression. What you had said to him to make him mad was that every time he got angry he didn't seem as mad as he was and to you it was quite adorable, to him he thought he could be scary when he wanted to be but he was just too cute. Basically this came up because you "nearly", in his words, died for him. The witch was so close to blasting him with a spell and you came out of nowhere and stood in front of him, then shooting the witch.

"Look, Cas, I'm fine! see, if I didn't take that shot for you then god knows what would've happened!" You sighed. He just stared at you from across the table and then angrily stuffed his burger into his mouth as much as he could. You burst into a hysterical laughter.

"Oh my god! You're so cute!" You exclaimed, still laughing so hard. Cas, still chewing his burger, stared at you questionably since you could barely breath from laughter.

"Y/N, are you alright?" He questioned once he swallowed. You finally stopped laughing and just little giggles came out every now and then,

"Yeah Cas, I'm perfectly fine." You smiled softly at him. He smiled back after a second of still being concerned.

A/N: Awww Cas is so cute! lol :D

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