Charlie Bradbury X Reader

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Summary: You and Charlie have a girls night! 

"Okay, so I've got-" Charlie held up a few different face masks, "-a mud mask, a drying mask, and of course, a peel off one!" You smiled at her excitement, as she handed them to you. "We've also got movies! There's, Harry Potter, Star Wars and-" She paused looking under the blanket that was placed over your laps on the bed, looking around for the other movie you'd picked, 

"The Greatest Showman." You grinned, holding up the movie. Charlie smiled and you gave her the movie. "So, what one should we watch first? I was thinking, Harry Potter?" You suggested and Charlie agreed, smiling brightly and giving you a thumbs up. Once everything was set up, you and Charlie had decided on doing peel off masks, and all the snacks you'd bought were placed out on the tray you'd put on the bed. You and Charlie were cuddled up beside each other in a huge fluffy blanket while watching 'Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban.' in your onesies.  

"Thank you for tonight Charlie I loved it." You whispered, smiling softly up at her from where your head was on her shoulder. Charlie smiled back, leaning down to lightly press her lips against yours, 

"You're welcome, Y/N." 

*✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫*✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫* ✫*゚・゚。.★.*

A/N:  sorry this is short <3 and I've only now noticed that there's 2k reads on this book! omg- thank you :)

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