Jack Kline X Reader

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(placed during season 13, so there could be some spoilers!)

Summary: Back in you're world, you and Jack are really close and when he's stuck at the apocalypse world he talks about you none stop. He realizes he's in love with you, with a bit of help from Mary.

"...So, yeah, she's awesome! Super nice, sweet, caring, oh! and also she taught me how to ride a bicycle! How cool is that!?" Jack has ranted on and on about you to Mary for the last 20 minutes, she obviously didn't seem to mind as she had an amused smile on her face while listening to him. They were both currently walking back to camp after collecting some more wood for the campfire.

"Jack!" Mary exclaimed, laughing a little, trying to get his attention to stop his rant. Jack stopped abruptly and turned to look at her,

"What's wrong?" He frowned, wondering if he said or done something wrong. Mary smiled softly at the nephilm. 

"Jack, have you ever wondered if you're in love with Y/N?" She asked with a small smirk on her face, watching Jack's go bright red. He had a small soft smile appear on his face and looked down for a second, thinking, before looking back up at her.

"I'm not sure, I mean, she makes my heart beat like crazy! and I feel really happy around her." Jack confessed, they both had stopped walking at this point, Mary wrapped Jack into a hug.

"That's what love is like Jack, and I'm sure she feels the same way. Maybe you could tell her this when we get home?" She asked, pulling out of the embrace. Jack frowned, thinking if that was a good idea or not. Mary winked at him and started to continue walking back to camp. Jack stayed in his place for a second, thinking about you and wondering if you did feel the same way about him like Mary said. Jack smiled to himself, finally deciding that he would tell you when they eventually get home.

"I'm in love with Y/N..." He whispered to himself, confirming his feelings after thinking about it for what seemed like hours.

"Jack! Are you coming?" Mary shouted from afar. Jack shook his head to get out of his daze and continued to walk to catch up to Mary.

"yes! I'm on my way." He called back to her.

....Little did Jack know you were sat on your bed back at the Bunker thinking of whether or not to confess your own feelings to him when he gets back because you did indeed  love him too.

A/N: Hello! I finally wrote something with Jack! :D I'm sorry I haven't wrote anything for this book for like a week. I've been super busy irl :)

                           *✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫*✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫* ✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫*

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