Chapter 5: Avoid

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I stared at him, stepping back."Me? M-me? H-hot?" My face was a bright red, and it was burning like fire.

Trey took me into a hug."Hey kid."

K-kid? Amber, you've gotta be dreaming. You're gonna wake up on the train. I can tell. It's just lucid. But I wasn't waking up anytime soon. I made a mental leap of faith, snuggling into his shirt. I shouldn't have. This was almost flirting. I didn't want to take a dive into love. I had a job and a kid to raise, so I didn't have time to fall in love.

"Kid?"I asked.

Trey laughed."Your so much shorter than me."

I looked up."I guess your right. But I'm a late bloomer, okay? I played Pokemon in my room and was obsessed with Mega Man."

"What's that...?"


I turned on my heel as Trey laughed."Playing hard to get now? His death really made you rock-hard, didn't it?"

I almost kicked him in the shin at that moment. Silence was my weapon. A sigh escaped my mouth as I turned around and left. There was a cold frown on my face. Emma grabbed my arm as I walked into the kitchen. There was a moment of silence before she said,"He likes you."

"Not when he mentions the death of your brother. That's something you don't do to a girl. Or call them short."

"Made that mistake before,"a guy laughed from behind the kitchen island."Prom night. Called a girl short. She dumped the punch bowl on me. Not even a day later, she'd already broken up with two guys."

"Well,"I laughed."I'm Amber."

"I'm Zack."

"I'm Tatiana. Call me Crafty though,"said another girl from the ground who was playing War with Angel.

"She's my new friend!"Angel exclaimed, a bright smile across her face.

"So Zack, what's up?"

"Going to Anime Boston this fall."

I yet again met my soulmate. When I was younger, my mom took me and my friend to Anime Boston. It was my first Con, so I was really hyped and psyched. We had a lot of fun, so we went the next year. And the next. And the next.

"Oh cool! Me too. I hope."

"Hope,"Crafty snickered.

"Hey kids, what's Junko's favorite fruit!"I said. They were silent. "Des-pear."

The whole room burst out laughing.

"Nice one, Am,"Emma laughed.

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