Chapter 4: Friend

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A boy about my height approaches me as I walk into the foyer. He looked like my father, but with lighter hair and a lot younger. He put a bright smile on his face, and quickly stepped to the side.

"Uh, hi!"I said, and he froze in his tracks."I'm Amber."

"I'm Caleb. Now, if you'll excuse me..." He had this look on his face that said, Oh my god, Becky, who is this loser?

"Uh... I'd really like to get to know you."

"I animate, I'm bubbly yet quiet, I don't like talking to people."

Was he my soulmate? Caleb seemed exactly like me. We looked alike, we had the same tone of voice, and I could tell that we would get along fine.

"Oh!"he said, as he faced away."I'm sixteen."

And dream shattered.


I walked into the bathroom, when I was tackled by a young boy. He murmured to himself as he tugged and pulled on my hair. Primarily my part. I'd styled it to where it was off center. The boy flipped my hair to one side, to where my part was in the middle.

"Throwback Thursday to fifth grade,"I said to myself, staring at the mirror.

The young boy had an outburst of excitement."It was making me feel off. It's really annoying when someone doesn't have everything right. OCD and ADHD, man. I'm Jal!"

The name had a nice ring to it. It was unique. My name was bland and overused. He smiled brightly and tugged at my dress.

"Sorry. It was off."

"Heh that's okay,"I whispered. It wasn't actually okay.

"T.t.y.l!" He sprinted out of the bathroom. I stared at my reflection in the mirror, somewhat dazed from the conversation. Thoughts bounced around in my head. What was that?!

I walked out into the hallway, falling in my heels. My mouth let out a small peep as I fell into someone's arms. It was a guardian angel, because I had a metal decoration in the hallway, and my neck would've hit it. My stomach twisted into a knot. I could hear my pulse.

"Thank you,"I said to the mysterious male as he flipped me around to face him.

"Don't mention it,"he said with a smile. He was hot.

I smiled and hugged him. The smell of his home wafted into my nose. I froze. It could've been a coincidence, but the chance was so small. My middle school crush, standing right in front of me.


"That's my name, hottie."

Oh dear Microsoft.

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