Chapter 3: Party

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I threw open the door. A brown haired girl stood there on the porch. I towered over her. Behind her was a boy with brown, spiky hair. We were about the same height. Emma came up behind me.

"Hey Jenny! Hey Hack!"

Jenny smiled at me."And who are you?"

I looked away, blushing."I'm-"

"She's Amber, Angel's aunt,"Emma butted in."They look nothing alike, I know. Amber's been living in her family's basement!" She gave me a look that said, Just go with it. Make the best impression.

Hack laughed."That's beautiful." He added a bit of sarcasm.

I crossed my arms, pretending to laugh. Hack smiled, looking over at me with his bright eyes. I looked away, blushing and somewhat mad. No falling in love Amber, I thought to myself. Of course, that isn't going to happen anyways.

The doorbell rang, and Emma went to answer it. Hack scooted over to me. I wasn't physic, but I could tell that he was seeking interest. My eyebrow arched at him.

"The new girl is shy, isn't she?"Hack said, smirking.

"Shut up. I've lived here longer than you have."

"You skateboard?"

"Yeah, I skateboard,"I lied.

"Which tricks are your best?"

I thought for a moment. My brain went dead on any tricks. All I could think of was a simple flip."Flip..?"

Hack arched an eyebrow."Flip? That all you got? You a poser or something?"

I was slightly offended."Way to be rude."

Hack glared at me."You lied. First commandment failed."

"Are we getting into Christianity here?"I yelled. Emma and a few new guests looked over.

"Finally the blonde caught on to life?"Hack yelled back. His fists rolled into balls.

"Get out of my house,"I pointed towards the door. Hack didn't make a move. "Get out,"I whispered. He turned around and walked out the door, slamming it next to a young boy. He peeped, a bit scared.

"God... What an idiot."

Emma walked over in the dead silence."Are... You okay?"

"I'm fine,"I blurted."I'm absolutely fine."

Emma slowly walked away, and she was replaced by a thirteen year old in glasses. I still seemed to tower over everyone. "H-hi. I'm Riki."

I looked down at her (him? Tell me). I knew I was living in Boston, but I didn't know from what nationality it came from. "Excuse me?"

"It's Riki,"she said. She shoved her glasses up her nose.

"What do you like?"

"I guess I like astronomy."

"That's cool."

Riki slowly moved towards the deluxe kitchen."I'll see you."

"See you too."

I got up from the table and looked towards the door. Emma is gonna make me meet everyone. I thought. Welp, better get a move on.

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