Chapter 29: Poison

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"What did you do?!"I yelled at Emma, causing everyone in the emergency room lobby to look at me in disbelief.

I'd driven there as fast as I possibly could, Trey right on my tail. We constantly ran red lights, trying to get to Mass General before it was too late. Every minute the words would replay through my mind like a broken cassette. My heart was also broken at the fact that Angel might die, and it caused me to cry harder and harder with each passing minute to the point I was sobbing as I ran through the parking lot.

She shook her head."Angel came in saying she felt light headed, and then she passed out. And when Crafty said they'd smashed an old thermometer, and Angel touched the red balls that poured out of it, I knew it was mercury."

My face fell in dismay."What did you do?"

"I think Crafty is still at our house..."

I bit my tongue."H-How much...?" Emma sat in silence. My parents and sister were going to kill me. If I let a kid die in my custody, I'd most likely be stripped of my Woods family name. I needed to get to Angel, and fast, but they wouldn't let me into the room.

Emma grabbed my hands."It's okay,"she said lovingly,"everything is fine. I know Mass General. They treated a few cases of Ebola. Freaking Ebola! If they felt with that, I'm sure they can deal with a little poisoning."

I tried to cope with her reassuring answer."O-Okay..."

Emma hugged me."Everything is going to be okay."

I tried to swallow the truth. What if Angel ended up just like Jacob, dead and lost forever? Just then, a doctor came out, seeming to be looking for someone. She saw me and her face lit up and quickly walked over.

"You're Ms. Woods, correct? Um, I wanted to say that..."

She was hesitant with her words, and it made my heart sink. Angel's dead. Angel's dead. I'll never see her again. We're burying her tomorrow, right in the cemetery. She won't have a tombstone; I wouldn't be able to bear visiting the place she would be buried in.

"Angel has been put into a medically induced coma to have all of the immune system attacking the poison. I can assure you she'll be fine in a week or two."

I closed my eyes, and Emma hugged me. The whole world was crumbling beneath me. There wasn't anything I could do to save myself. I sniffed a bit before looking at the nurse.

"Can I see her?"I asked. The doctor motioned us to the entrance to lead us to her room.

We walked for a while, and I wondered who had created all the massive corridors and lengthy hallways. We rode the elevator for a while, up 6 floors. Then we walked more and more until we reached room 615. I sighed a little, feeling hesitation to open the door. Emma squeezed my hand, and I opened it.

The first thing that hit me was the aura of sadness in the room. I'd visited hospitals before, but that was because my mother had given birth or my father had surgery. But the nurse that was watching her gave a melancholy sigh, and I knew something was off.

I walked over to the bed, looking at Angel's weirdly colored blue hair. It was matted and sweaty, and I tried to brush it out with my fingers. She gave a pained expression, and I knew she was still with me.

"Ms. Woods. Just for verification, do you have... Angel's birth certificate to ensure that she is your child?"

I froze in place and fear.

Because I did not have those papers.

And that meant Angel wasn't my child.

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