Chapter 12: Lessons

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Riki had taught me something.

Age is just a number.

Of course, unless it's in a One Direction Fan-Fiction.

When Riki showed up, jumping up each step, I was elated. I had the whole house to myself, so I already had a whole afternoon planned and scheduled. Riki rung the doorbell, and I immediately opened the door. She opened her eyes wide in shock.

"Uh... Hey?" She said, looking at how balloons and such were strung around the house.

"How'd it go?"I asked as I pulled her inside.

"One hundred percent correct."

I let out a yay before blowing through one of those party noise blowers. Riki covered her ears, starting to tremble. I guess I am taking it over the top.

"Woo! Yeah!"I shouted as I started to blast dubstep. Riki stepped back a little.

"It's just a homework assignment, Ms. Woods."

"But... Don't you like parties? Isn't that what you young people are into?"

"Not really... Not me. I prefer to curl up with a book. Maybe bake with a close friend." She turned off the music and plugged in her own, which was No Shi Barado by Area 11.

I pulled her into the kitchen where I had a dozen cupcakes on the counter. They weren't super special; just pink and purple dough. The thing that made me squeal was that they weren't covered in icing.

Riki shoved her hands in her pockets.

"I need... 2 knives, one thing of orange icing, 3 plastic containers, a sprinkle can, a few plastic tiny umbrellas, and some cherries."

Riki stood there, dumbfounded.

"Did I break you?"I asked. She nodded twice. I let out a sigh.

"Knives are in the drawer, cherries are in the fridge, the baking stuff is in the top left cabinet..."

She grabbed each one with a shocked face. I heard almost hear her heartbeat. She laid things out on the counter. I popped open the icing, but Riki seemed uninterested. She leaned against the island, looking up. I looked over.

"Everything okay?"I asked.

"Dunno,"she replied,"just bored."

"Don't you wanna-"

"The thing is..."Riki continued."I'm not a mainstream person. I prefer to be alone reading Homestuck or something. I'm not a person that enjoys being around adults. I can see that you want to be a likable person, but..."

I sighed."I take no offense."

"Age isn't a number, but you have to take in other things too. Sorry Ms. Woods." Riki grabbed her backpack and slung it over her shoulder. "I'll see you later."

I nodded and she opened the door.

I opened my eyes."And Riki?"

She looked back."Yeah?"

I smiled."I want to thank you."

She looked at me like a complete mystery before closing the door.

"There are just some people you can never figure out..."I sighed."Now what was that Homestuck thing she was talking about?"

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