Chapter 16: Surprise

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Trey and I ate together, almost in silence. It was awkward after that, neither of us having any conversation starters. After that, he payed and Trey drove me home. I pointed out different landmarks and some of the more visible constellations at stoplights, and Trey appeared to be fascinated. I would never know his true feelings.

Trey parked in the driveway. The sun had long gone down, and we were both blanketed in darkness. Trey ran into the hood of his car as he opened my door. I stifled a laugh, and Trey smiled.

"Thanks for coming tonight,"he said.

I leaned in close to his face."Thank you for taking me." I kissed him on the cheek, leaving Trey lost in the stars at the front of my driveway.


I flopped onto my bed, stripping down from my dress and changing into my pajamas. My eyes drooped, but I managed to stay up for a little while longer to look at youtube. Nothing was up, except for a DanIsNotOnFire video. I clicked on it, settling down into the covers.

I watched in silence, hearing his British boy voice. He always taught me things about life, but I usually couldn't relate to them. But one from him caught my eye.

"If you love someone, show it. Just... Don't take it too far."

I smiled at that thought before pulling my eye covers over my face and slowly falling asleep.


I opened my eyes slowly. Emma stood at the door, her face solemn and red. I looked at her. She sighed before turning around and leaving. I sat up, staring at the empty space at the doorway.

I slowly got out of bed, stumbling with every movement. I tripped over a hanger on the ground and fell face first. Jenny laughed as she skipped in, plopping onto my bed and snuggling up.

"It's a Monday..."

"I know that,"I said as I scavenged my closet for something to wear.

"Riki and Corei wanted to come over for dinner."

"That's great. I'll have to start making dinner later on. What do you want?"

"Pasta maybe? Ravioli?"

"Great! I think I have some of that hidden in the pantry."

"Great. I'm heading to the skate park to go hang out with Caleb."

I shot a glance and her. She blushed.

"God, he's just a good friend. We aren't gonna do the nasty."

"You better not,"I joked."You know better than that."

I hope.

The whole family went along on their way, Angel drawing something better than I could do. Emma tried to avoid me the whole day. I made a nice Italian dinner. Jenny came in around lunch time with a few scratches, but she was laughing. We all are dinner, including Caleb. Once you got to know him, he was a very interesting. I was glad to meet another face.


I sat at dinner with Coeri across from me, Riki next to him. Angel was sitting next to me, and Jenny was next to me. We ate peacefully, talking about current events, relationships, and life in general. But there was a nagging feeling in my stomach.

"Emma has been in the bathroom for a while,"I said.

Just as I said it, the bathroom door opened. Emma stepped out, locking eye contact with me. Her face was pale.

"Amber. I'm pregnant."

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