Chapter 38: Oops

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Emma grabbed my hand and pulled me through the crowd trying to get through the doors. Her blue eyes were sparkling, excited to be back in the Big Apple. I sighed quietly. To be honest, it smelled like sewage and rotting dead people. But besides having to wear your jacket over your nose, it was an experience.

We retrieved our bags by the belt. The place was crowded, even for it being in the middle of the week and for it to be so late. The sweet smell of pizza from the food court upstairs wafted into my nose.

"Let's get something to eat. Like, ice cream. On me."

I smiled and licked my lips."Thanks Em." It was now my turn to drag her. I skipped happily towards the J.P. Licks. Emma took out her card and payed for my over the top order. It was nice to have someone who regularly did that.

The two of us sat down. I looked up at her with her spoon in hand but no eating.

"Don't you... Don't you two--"

"Two?"Emma giggled."Nah... I'm not feeling very hungry. Must be nerves or something."

"I know you're thinking about something."

"Oh... Nothing." She twisted her hair around her finger."Only that you missed the perfect opportunity to get a guy's number. From a pilot."

"I don't like dating."

"Well, you should! C'mon! You're turning 21 in a week. At least find someone to chat with at Central Park."

"I'm not dating anyone else. I'm not a cheater."

Emma rolled her eyes and took a bite of the ice cream."Don't come home tomorrow night then. I'll be bringing someone to the hotel room."

My best friend knew how to push my buttons. Especially the ones that made me blush.


"This one." She held up a purple dress from her suitcase.

I shook my head."Meh."

"This yellow one?"


"The bright green one."

"Bahumbug." I opened my suitcase and pulled out a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. "I'll go with this."

"Your old Steven Universe tee with the unexplained stain?"

"It's chocolate milk! I told you."

The tall female giggled."Go put it on I guess. Put in earrings though."

I rolled my eyes as I went into the bathroom. Emma hummed in the hotel room. I listened against the door. She collapsed onto the bed, sighing. I pulled on my pants and shirt. Emma stood up slowly. I opened the door.


She bolted right past me and onto the floor. Her hands grasped and opened the toilet seat as she wretched and threw up. I covered my eyes as I gagged, nearly throwing up myself.

Emma coughed and swore."S-Sorry..."

"Too many drinks?"

"I don't know..." She shook her head."I don't think I can go out..."

"I don't want you going out,"I replied as I smoothed back her hair."Got another round in ya?"

Emma opened her mouth but nothing came out."I-I should be fine..."

I picked her up and she laughed."Didn't know you could lift two people."

"Shut up." I carried her into bed."I'll get you a basket too, just in case."

But she picked me up and tossed me onto the bed. I laughed loudly as I rolled over next to her, staring up at the ceiling.

"Why are you like my mom?"she asks.

"And why are you a mom?"I smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2016 ⏰

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