Chapter 30: Backstory

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I looked towards Emma who saw my distress. She knew why I had looked over. We had the same plastered look of fear and loss. Because of my mistakes, Angel was almost dead and I lost custody of her. My parents were going to kill me. No wonder they said I couldn't raise a family if I tried.

Emma moved over and held my hand, squeezing it. I sighed before telling the nurse.

"We don't have them."

The nurse blinked."Then who are you?"

"Her step-mothers."

"You should have the papers."

"We don't. She was left on my doorstep when she a toddler, and I couldn't bare to see her alone."

"Who is she then?"

"Amber's niece." Emma stepped in, placing a hand on my trembling shoulder.

The nurse furled her eyebrows."I have no idea what I'm supposed to do under these circumstances, but I'm pretty sure that I can not put Angel under your custody. Let alone announce her your step-daughter."

I froze like a deer in the headlights. This couldn't be happening. A wave of emotion washed over me. I couldn't tell if I was angry or sad, confused or depressed, or giving in or fighting back. Emma covered her face and left, leaving me to say goodbye to Angel's accidentally dyed blue hair.


The sound of crying had woken me in the middle of the night. I had gotten out of bed, scared. My hand reached inside my drawer and pulled out a flashlight. A flash of lighting and thunder echoed through the sky, and I almost screamed.

"Okay... Amber... Try not to wake Em..."

I opened my door as it creaked, causing me to cringe. The hallway was dead silent. My feet stepped into the hallway where a few moving boxes lied, partly empty. All I wore was a tank top and my underwear. I walked downstairs, shining my light as I went. There was no one in the large spacious downstairs. Boxes littered the space, with pizza boxes across the counter. I bit my lip, wondering where the loud crying was coming from.

I dropped to the floor in fear when I felt a strike of lightning shake the Earth. Forgetting my fears, I stood up. My teeth clenched together as I marched towards the front door. As I neared it, the crying became louder and louder. I flashed the flashlight towards the door and threw it open.

I'm met with a girl who quickly stopped crying when I flashed the light in her eyes. She looked scared and afraid, and her eyes were welled with tears. She was holding a orange lizard plushie in her hand. Her blue eyes were puffy with redness.

I stared down at the girl."Are you lost?"

"My mommy said I was your responsibility."

I looked down at myself. I'm still a virgin... What the...

My eyes focused in the dim light. I recognized her small eyes and brown hair. But somehow she looked different, as if her innocence had been taken away. I took the small girl into my arms, not caring I was barely wearing anything. The small girl blinked before snuggling into my protective arms.

"Don't worry. I'll be your mommy now."

I looked out the open door, seeing a pair of headlights speed out of sight. My four year old niece didn't suspect a thing, but I did.

At least she cared.

But I wished she was here now.


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