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Welcome to Wattpad Family! I just thought it would be nice to get more people involved in books and get to know more people, so I made this Oo book! Every person that signs up will be significant to the plot, and I'll take plot suggestions in PM.

All the places that I write about in this book are real places. This takes place in Boston, which I live in, so this'll be very detailed. Woods Manor isn't real though. It's made up because it's significance to the plot and the fact that I can't find any nice mansions online.

So, without further ado, the character form!

Name (full):

Age: (I would like some younger characters too!)



Looks (not clothes though):

Job (if old enough):

Relationship with person in last chapter:

Relationship with anyone else:


I hope you guys sign up! It would mean a lot.

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