Chapter 7: Blush

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Afterwards, I drove to Hack's house. It was a long and painful drive. My hands were clammy, and there were butterflies in my stomach. I cursed for myself to turn back, but I had set my mind on apologizing. Soon enough, I was on the side of the road trying to calm myself down from screaming and ultimately crashing my car. It was way to overemotional and exaggrated, even for me. Sweat began to form on my palms. What if he didn't accept my apology? What if he slams the door on my face?

 There wasn't any turning back as I pulled into the driveway. I sighed as I grabbed the bag of cookies I'd bought from Crystal. They were chocolate M&M. Who couldn't like those? I stepped up onto the brick porch and rang the doorbell. I bounced up and down on my heels, until finally someoene opened the door.

 "What's up Blondie?"Hack asked.

 I held the bag of cookies out to him."I wanted to say sorry for what I said yesterday. I was... not myself."

 "No prob Amber." He smiled brightly."Come on in."

 I blushed an even deeper shade of red than my Pelaris allowed. I stepped inside. It was like a cozy cottage with the fire burning and the smell of ice tea. Hack closed the door as he moved into the kitchen. I sat down on the coffiest couch in the living room. The ceilings were high above my head, and the first floor was an open space. 

 "You didn't need to apologize,"Hack said, sitting on the brown loveseat."I was gonna let it blow over."

 "I won't allow myself to do that. It'll just stay there until I die."

 "That's a nice thought."

"Well, I'm being honest."

"I like people when they're honest. Like you."

 I blushed until my cheeks were steaming hot. Why was this guy good at pick-up lines? Hack had to be a player. And I was falling for him. I was forcing myself to try to look normal, without looking disgusted or starstruck. Hack leaned back, smirking.

 "Is Blondie caught in a trance from my hot looks?"

 "Nope. Just thinking about how I won't be dating."

 "Fiesty one, you are."

 I laughed."I'm lying dude, but still. Don't think you can propose right here."

"Dang it!"he shouted with a smile on his face. We broke out into a fit of laughter. I almost fell off the couch, and Hack held out a hand.

 "Okay, okay. No more,"he laughed. I let out a final chuckle before returning to my neutral face. Hack sighed. There was an awkward silence.

 Finally I said,"I might as well go. Angel has to go to drawing class in an hour, and I still have to make dinner."

 "You have fun!"he said as he got up and opened the door."I'll see you around. And next time, tell me Emma's number."



 As I got into the car, there was one thing I could tell. We were both blushing.


Hey guys! Sorry for not updating. One, I've been watcing a lot of streams on TwitchTV. Two, I'm now addicted to that song 'Bassline'. 

((Media: Hack's Home))

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