Chapter 37: Shock

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May the power of Christian Grey keep the fangirls away from me.

My eyes widened. Emma smiled and hugged a whole group of girls. I stayed back, biting my lip. There was no way. My stomach nearly exploded from my nervousness. A brunette faced me, and I turned away. No way... No way am I speaking. Your face, your voice, and your humor is annoying. Get. Off. This. Plane.

"Hi!"she smiled."You must be Miss Woods! Pleasure for you to join us today."

I bit my lip and turned back around."Hehe... Yeah."

The whole group of girls were smiling cheesily at me. Emma motioned for me to smile, and I tried my best to make mine look genuine. Deep inside, I hoped to fake sickness and go home. Emma sat down in one of the seats, and I sat next to her and took out a book. The girl that had said hello sat across from me.

"Are you excited to go to New York with us?"

"I'm sure she's excited Alyssa,"Emma replied cheerfully."Not many people are this lucky."

Alyssa leaned back."Hanging with the squad and going to a show."

I had my nose in my book and wasn't listening. Sophia's War by Avi. Fifth time reading it. It is a terrible thing to see a man hung...

Alyssa grabbed my arm."I'm sure my boss wouldn't mind having an extra model! You should do it with us!"

My eyes widened."Oh... no, no, no, no, no... You wouldn't want me to model. I'm not model worthy..."

Emma nudged me."You have a six pack."

I rolled my eyes."Six pack of pudding."

Alyssa giggled."Nice one. C'mon. Just take your time. I'm sure you'll say yes in no time."

I leaned back in my chair and continued to read. Alyssa and Emma chatted with each other. Time seemed to be moving slowly. We still hadn't taken off yet twenty-five minutes after boarding. I sighed quietly.

The door to the cockpit opened; a tall, lean woman stepped out. She was dressed in a navy pencil skirt and a white blouse. Preppy glasses rested on her face. She smiled warmly. Everyone smiled back. A cold, icy stare covered my face.

"Girls... Amber, we'll be taking off soon. If you wouldn't mind sitting down and buckling up, that would be great. We'll be in New York soon."

"Not soon enough,"I muttered. I just wanted to go so I could get away from the people who made me feel intimidated.

I was quiet on take off while some people popped champagne bottles and opened wine bottles. But despite how fun I knew it would be, I wasn't allowed to drink. Not for a few weeks. I just curled up with my book and planned to read it front to back.

After only about thirty minutes, I was already as bored at a tree. The models' words swirled around me. There was nothing I was interested in. Not until Emma's boss erupted from the cockpit.

"I regret to inform that the pilot has... Well... Fallen unconscious."

Everyone on board screamed like they were about to die. I knew the co-pilot had it under control though. Slowly, I stood up.

"Ey! Listen. Screaming ain't gonna get us nowhere. Drag the pilot out here and I can diagnose him with whatever he has and give CPR if we have to make an emergency landing."

Emma shot me a glance."Alright."

Am I showing off in front of her friends? I'm just trying to get the situation under control...

The boss dragged the pilot out of the controls and onto the floor. I knelt down and placed my two fingers on his left wrist. There was a steady pulse, so he wasn't under any stress and the heart was beating correctly.

"Hey, co! What altitude are we at?"

"Uh... 16,000 feet!"

"Altitude sickness then... Either it's his first time flying or we need to lower the plane a bit..."

The pilot shot awake as he bumped heads with me. He rubbed his head and looked at me. I sighed quietly and looked back at me.

"Sorry..."he stammered, embarrassed.

"It's okay. Get back to your job."

He stood up slowly."I'm Jackson. And... Thanks."

"No problem." He disappeared behind the doors.

Emma looked at me before smirking. Something was on her mind, and I didn't like it.

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