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My hair whipped around me as the train pulled into the station. The digital sign above me said,"Alewife; Now Boarding". I shivered in the cold as I walked through the doors of the train. My bag was heavy on my shoulder, so I plopped down on the nearest seat. Barely anyone was up at 2 am in Boston, besides the people who worked at night.

"Now leaving Charles MGH,"said the computerized voice above. The floor jerked beneath me. The train was moving outwards.

I stood up, looking at the map of the Red Line. "I need to get to... Alewife Station to get home. It's a long drive back to Woods Manor, but the car is already payed for..."

It would be another 45 minutes until I finally got to Alewife, so I took out my phone. There weren't any messages. I checked Wattpad. Nothing. I looked at the App Store. No updates for any of my apps. No emails, no nothing.

The train zoomed past stop after stop. Occasionally some drunks got on and off, but I was mostly alone. I listened to music, did some extra work for my job, and played around with Cleverbot Evie. Deep inside I was bored.

I can't wait to get home. I thought.

"Now approaching Alewife Station."

I picked up my bag and stood by the door. It slid open. I raced up the steps and out into the street. There were a few cars dotting the street. My friend's car was in a nearby Subway parking lot. I fumbled with the keys and unlocked the car.

I ordered a pizza as I drove, calculating that I'd be home the same time the pizza was delivered. My voice was scratchy from the long day of flying, but I sang along to the songs on the radio. For almost an hour, I watched the lights turn from red to green and back to red.

The house came into view. The manor was an elegant beauty of all the apartments I'd seen. The porch lights were on. They called my name as I pulled into the driveway. I booked it out of the the car and threw myself through the door.

Completely disregarding it was 3 in the morning, I screamed at the top of my lungs,"I'm home!"

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