Chapter 31: Cards

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I paced the hallway outside the door."C'mon... C'mon... Pick up..."

My eyes lit up as I thought I heard her pick up the phone. But my hopes were let down by a long beep and the message that told me to leave a message. I sighed and started to talk.

"Hey... Uh... I was wondering if you still had Angel's birth certificate with you in your bags or something. I know you're busy with stuff but... Maybe you're in Boston? Please, just please, bring them-"

I was interrupted by a friendly voice."Hey sis."

"Hoy! Oh, Em..."

Em was my older sister. She was rebellious, fun, flirty. My sister worked for Playboy and had already kissed all the hot shots like Chris Pratt and Taylor Launtner. We were complete opposites, and that grey-ish area we shared quickly turned to black and white when she gave up her only kid to continue working. I'd never told Angel that she wasn't mine; I'd always told her she was a miracle that meant for me.

"Yeah... I think I do have them here. What happened?"

"Mercury poisoning... Nothing too big. They just have her in medically induced coma so she doesn't have to go through the pain of drawing it out."

"God... I'm in New York, but I can get one of my agents to fly it to you today. Shirtless and all, if you'd like."

I laughed."I'm good. I've seen my fair share of abs in my life."


"He can show up at my house, but my friend Trey will be giving them to me. God, Em, it's a hospital."

She laughed."This'll only be two hours. Don't worry."

"Love you sis."

"Love you too."

With that, she hung up. The line went dead, just like my feelings. I slumped against the wall. That was the moment I remembered the guy a few years ago, before I left and before I got a job. He was the guy that I had talked with at my psychotherapy. Angel had loved him, and I found him as a good friend. We never exchanged numbers, so I never saw him again. He told me to call him Mr. Friend, for that was what he was. Not a man, not someone of a family, just a friend.

Thinking about it was just tear jerking. He never got better, and there was nothing I did. There was that one time Angel and I had him over for dinner, but he didn't talk that much nor eat a morsel. For a long time I stood there, watching doctors and nurses and well patients walking down the hall. It felt like eternity as I stood there.

I settled down in Angel's room as the moon woke up from its 14 hour sleep. My mouth opened in a long and soft yawn. Angel was resting peacefully, and the look of pain on her face had faded away. I leaned back in the chair and closed my eyes.

Then the door opened. There stood a girl in her early 20s. I smiled as I stood up.

"Miyoko... Wow. Fancy seeing you here."

"Um, I came to give you your daughter's birth certificate..."

"I thought that she was going to send a male... No offense. She said that she would send someone shirtless."

"Oh,"she laughed."I do that for perverts."

I started to laugh and ten went silent when I made the connection.

"Being her agent is sort of my side-job. The manga artist thing is my full-time. I'm always there when your sister gets into tight spots."

"Tell her I said thank you and that I send hugs and kisses her way."

"I will,"she said as she started walking towards the door."And Amber?"


"Remember that everyone around you has experienced the past, present, and future. So take a good look around and you'll recognize people." With that, she slipped out the door.

She was replaced with a tired looking Hack, and for some reason, he seemed a little more familiar.



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