Chapter 22: Night

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[Media: Night Changes by One Direction Lyrics.]

We all sat down at a large table near the ocean. I set out all different kinds f food. Grilled chicken, green-leaf salad, and my favorite, frosted chocolate chip cookies. Obviously made by me and an eager Angel. People started conversing together, and Trey sat down next to me. I was caught up in all the conversations, ranging from Jenny's Starbucks girl drama to Hack wanting to go to the World Cup to Corei accidentally breaking his keyboard in a round of Counterstrike: Global Offense. Everything was fine... Until Angel stood up and tapped her class for everyone's attention.

I don't know how she did it. An eight year-old. Getting attention if people ranging from ten to 24. She had some nerves to do it. Everyone slowly looked over, dropping mid-conversation. She pretended to clear her throat, almost falling off the bench, and step down her cup.

"I want to thank everyone for coming out here,"she said. I almost spit out my water from laughter.

"And I want to thank my mommy for making these delicious cookies. Their very good."

Everyone started clapping, and I wanted to disappear. Being put in the spotlight was not my forte. My head spun between the hoots and hollers and claps. I grabbed the table before holding up a hand.

"I need to excuse myself for a minute,"I said, standing up and starting to walk away. Trey got up and followed after me, and I saw his long shadow near my feet. The moonlight's rays lined the silver sand, and I sat down. My headache started to go away as I closed my eyes, listening to the beach. Trey sat down next to me, his strong arms wrapping around me.

"I'm sorry... I just got a bad headache."

"You need a drink or something." He placed a cup of water in my hands and I downed it in one sip. Trey laughed, and I playfully punched him in the arm.

"Shut up..."I shot back at him."I guess I was dehydrated from swimming."

Trey stood up and then picked me up bridal style."Now, how 'bout that walk."

I let out a half-squeal half-cry as he carried me off. He pulled me close. I wrapped my arms around him, leaning my head against his heart. My eyes closed as I listened to the waves and our breathing that melted into one. I jumped down from his grasp. His string hands grabbed my delicate ones. We swung our hands back and forth as we walked. Rays of moonlight illuminated the ground ahead of us. Night birds flew over our head. Occasionally, I bent down to collect shells that fit in my hands. Trey threatened to push me into the ocean if I got to close. I threatened to scoop both his eyeballs out with a shell.

We watched the moon curve across the sky. We both stood watching. My stomach flipped around like a fish gasping for air. I leaned my head on his shoulder, and he tangled his fingers in my hair. Slowly, he took both my hands.

"Listen, I know you're not that person... And you don't like love but..."

He leaned in close to me.

And he kissed, the ocean breeze blowing my hair.

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