Chapter 33: Accidental

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A little filler for myself. I said as I walked down the street to Crystal's coffee shop. In less than two days, Angel woke up with no recollection of what happened, and I don't plan to tell her. Be prepared for more scares. May 30th is soon. And I'll be twenty-one in less than a month, which is totally gonna suck. I don't want to get a job. Some of my books are just under best-sellers.

I opened the door. Crystal smiled brightly.

"One double chocolate chunk frappé with whipped cream and chocolate drizzle in a small cup?"she called.

"Make it mini. I'm watching my weight." I sat down at the bar in front of her.

In the corner was Miyoko as usual, drawing away at her iPad. I didn't really understand how she did it, but now she was making an entire manga book about my life. Maybe she was just God disguised as a girl. But then there was another person. I hadn't seen him at the shop before, so I took a little interest into him. He was tanner, and I questioned if he'd gone to the beach a few days ago. He had longer dark brown hair that was pulled back, reminding me of my childhood hero, Ssundee. What also intrigued me was that he had one blue eye and one green eye. He looked friendly, but with him looking distressed and angry as he talked on the phone, there was no chance I wanted to go over there.

 "N-No... Rae, please. I know! I know! Okay? I'm sorry... No, Tiberius is not lost. He's with me. I'm sorry I haven't been home. Rae! Please don't! I'll be home! Rae, please no! Rae-" The stranger slammed her phone down on the table, making Crystal and I both jump. He buried his head in his hands."D'Arvit,"he swore.

 "Hang on. I think I know this guy." I stood up and walked over to his table. The stranger looked up.

 "Hey... Which of your characters is your favorite? Butler? Artemis?"I asked.

 "I'm a fan of No1, actually. And of course you'd like Holly." He tried to smile."I'm Kevin."

 "Amber. And no, I'm tied between all of them. My favorite antagonist was Minerva."

 Kevin laughed."Nice to meet you, Amber. I, uh, sorry for yelling."

 "No problem." I sat down."But is everything okay? You sound mad." 

 "I was just in an argument with my girlfriend. Or... ex... girlfriend..."

 "Sorry, bro, but I've got a bae. She'll come crawling back though. She won't know what to do without you."

 "She's got her own job... Her own house. She's been hanging out with some other guy, too."

 "She has everything, but what she doesn't have is you. And if she doesn't come crawling back, screw her. She lost a guy named freaking Kevin."

 "I guess I am the bomb,"he replied.

 "I'll get you something on the house. Cookie, brownie?"

 "I'm okay. All I needed was a little company."

 "You sure? Okay. You missed out on Crystal's brownies." From the counter I heard her yell,"Kawaii!"

 "Oh... And another thing why we're sort of falling apart..."Kevin said slowly. I turned around. "She's pregnant."

 My pupils dilated.

 "And it's not my baby."

 "And that's a reason to break up. Go talk to that Miyoko girl. She's into comic-fiction like you. I'm sure she'd like a new friend."

 "Yeah,"he sighed."I'll talk to her. There's fish in the sea. I'll find someone. Thanks, Amber."

 "No problem, Kevin."

 I walked back to the counter and high-fived Crystal."And that's how you become a match-maker."

 Crystal laughed."Sure Amber."

Her smile lightened up the room, and Miyoko's smile reflected off of it. And for a moment, I felt surrounded by happiness.

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