Chapter 25: Illusion

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I woke up to a scream. That scream was mine.

Emma ran straight into my room, a worried look in her eyes. I pointed to the man up against the back wall with the gun, nothing visible. He was pitch dark, like a shadow or a ghost. But it wasn't. It was a real physical person; I could hear his teeth grinding and the noise her made as he cocked the gun. Emma looked at me and back at the man. She slowly started walking over. The man looked right at her, before raising his arm and shooting her right in the head.

I let out a terrified scream, before I felt soft hands wrap around me. As I opened my eyes, I realized it was Emma. The man was gone. Angel was sitting on the bed, and Jenny had just
ran into the room. My heart was beating faster than ever. My head was pounding, and all I could manage was a let out of breathe.

"Are you..."

"I'm fine,"I shot back at Jenny, who was more timid than ever before.

What was that...? And why now...? I thought to myself. No doubt it's because... He...

I slowly got up, and Emma looked at me before motioning the girls out. She quickly followed them. I slipped on some random clothes and brushed put my hair, only taking a minute or two. My hand cupped my cheek, the face I always made when I was facing regret.

I sat down on the bed, staring at my feet. I saw my best friend die right in front of me, but yet she was still alive. I couldn't find words to explain what I'd seen. My brain fumbled with the possibilities. I'd seen it. The man, the blood, the gun. I finally forced myself to call Trey between half sobs.

"Do you mind if we meet up at Porter Square..?"

"Why?"he asked.

"I need to tell you something."

Slowly, I made myself drag my body to the train station and endure the four stop trip to Porter Square. It was one of the smaller squares I'd seen, but it was quaint and cozy, with the best sandwich shop you will ever have. People were making their morning commute to their jobs, so I just blended into the crowd. As I sat down reading, I heard another scream.


I looked up from my book to take a look at who had screamed my name. But no one was looking at me. A sigh escaped my mouth and I continued reading. Gosh dang... Don't do it...

I got up at the correct stop and climbed the massive amounts of marble stairs instead of using the escalator. My phone let out a buzz, and I looked down. Trey had texted me.

'Just got off the train,'he texted.

'Wow. Me 2,'I texted back.'Meet you in Potbelly's.'

"Sure m8.'

I waited like all the others for the cross walk to turn to the person walking before I jogged across the street. A person riding their bike almost hit me as I jumped up onto the street. I sat down at one of the tables at the sandwich shop. Gentle breezes stroked my face as I waited for Trey.

He emerge from the station like a seal from the water and sprinted across the street. Trey slid into the train next to me. "I already ate though."

I rolled my eyes."I guess I'm the only one eating-"

I heard a loud bang. My head snapped towards the sound. "Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

I looked straight at him."Sorry... It's just... I don't know how to say it..."

He took my hands."I'm here for you. You can tell me anything."

I closed my eyes."I've suffered from schizophrenia for most of my life... This morning I saw Emma get shot. Fortunately, it was just a hallucination... But I was terrified."

Trey squeezed my hands."How come you never told me?"

"It doesn't happen as much until this time of year."


I sighed."It's a long story."

"Just tell me."

I settled into my seat."Well, it started three years ago..."

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