Chapter 14: Red

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Coming home from Riki's, I got a call from a mysterious number. I retracted the roof and answered it. There was a sound of someone fumbling with their phone before they started talking.

"Hey kid, it's Trey."

"I'm driving home from a friend's. What's up?"

"I was just wondering if you wanted to go out for dinner tonight. You know, I tried to text Emma today and she's pretty fired up about something. I wouldn't want her to lash out at you."

"As a date?"I asked, dumbfounded.

"I wouldn't call it that. Maybe, a friendly get together?"

"So a date."


We erupted in laughter, his laugh like a melody. It was a soft tune amidst a mess of madness. Slowly, I calmed down, and so did Trey.

"So I'll see you at six?"he asked.

"Sure, I guess. Formal or..."

"Formal,"he said."See you Amber."

"See you Trey." Then there was a beep, and the sound returned to the indie-rock on the radio. I let out a quiet sigh, neither sad nor happy. Trey was a friend, but I didn't think I was ready for some big commitment. I'd made too many mistakes in my past, and I didn't want my heart to be broken even more by someone deemed a player.

A choked on a lump in my throat. But no tears came out. I hadn't cried emotionally in a while, but I'd broken that record. My car pulled into the driveway of Woods Manor and I ran for the house. It was four.

Emma stood there at the door."You're home late."

"I... I..."

"Don't explain. I'm already mad as it is."


"None of your business."

"Okay... Fine. Trey invited me to dinner tonight. Where's Angel?"

"Here!"she shouted, bounding into the room. I almost screamed.

"Angel! Your hair!" It's usual dark blue was now covered with streaks of purple.

"Crafty helped me do it!"

"Oh boy,"I sighed, laughing.

Emma looked over at us before crossing her arms and stomping upstairs."I was never here."


I took out a long, dark red dress from my closet. It wasn't that cold out that night, so I didn't bother getting a jacket or shawl. Angel helped me pick out the dress. The whole time I wondered if she would grow up to have a job in fashion.

I applied some mascara to bold my squinty eyes, and then carefully applied some dark brown eye shadow. Emma had at least been a little cheery and said that if he invited me to his place, I should go.

I strongly disagreed.

My phone started beeping again, and Angel answered it and put it on speaker.

"Hey!"Trey said."I'm in front of the house. Ready to go?"

"So that's why your getting fancy,"Angel said, elbowing me. I let out a quick laugh.

"Hey Angel."

"Hey Trey."

"I'm ready to go,"I said."Be out in a minute. See you!"

I ended the call and swiftly moved downstairs, grabbing my handbag. Angel opened the door.

"Goodbye!"she swooned.

Trey stood on the sidewalk outside in a tux."Are you ready for the night, Princess?"



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