That Band is going Nowhere!

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Three - That Band is going Nowhere!

"THOSE BOYS? THAT BAND MA? Those boys are my happiness. They are my lifeline. The Presley you miss? She was depressed. Cathy left me because dad died. I had no one. And now you're scolding me because of my happiness?? FUCK YOU!" I scream, angry tears streaming from my eyes.

"That band is going nowhere. Emily's boy- Luke is doing this to you. Tricking your mind. And his foul language is rubbing off on you too."

I'm now standing, debating if I am going to leave. So I start walking towards the stairs.

"And that Reginald Peters was his name?" Fuck, if she does this with all the boys I am going to explode. "His utter Stupidity must be rubbing off on you. I cannot believe you have a C- in calculus that used to be one of your best subjects!!"

Alex is next, isn't he?

"And that Mercer boy. If his illness rubs off on you like Reginald and Luke's choices have I swear Press."

Illness? That's the last straw.

"Illness mom? What the fuck does that mean?" I scream, rushing up the stairs, and into my room. "Are you referring to alex being Gay as an ILLNESS?! Mom, I cannot believe you! I didn't think you'd stoop this low."

I'm now in my room, packing a duffel of everything I need. I can't stay here right now. Not with her.

"Presley don't talk to me like this!" she is chasing me around my room "Being Gay Is a Choice! It's a SIN!! God didn't make him like that. Now put your clothes back, we need to talk about how you're suspended. I won't have my daughter turning into a hooligan like your friends."

I seriously cannot deal with her right now. I put my hair up with one of Alex's Drumsticks, sticking the other in my bag along with a few other things such as my song journal.

"Well you know what mom? I don't care that I'm suspended! And I sure as hell know gayness is not a sin! You know what mom? I'm done. I'm gay too okay? I like girls!!! And guys, so im BI. get it through your thick. Ass. skull. Your daughter is suspended. A Hooligan. AND GAY. goodbye mom, I'll come back when you get your shit straight."

I rush past her, grabbing my skateboard off the wall next to my door and rushing out of the house. I have to skate to Bobby's because I let him take the boys home, since I couldn't.

After skating the 10 minutes to bobby's I was hoping the guys were there since I really had nowhere else to go.

My car Is here, that's a good sign.

My face is covered in Tear streaks, cheeks red and freckles inflamed.

It's only luke here

He's sitting at the small desk writing something when I walk in and fall onto the couch in loud tears.

"Woah woah press what's wrong?" he asks, in the most worrisome tone no one knows Luke could be capable of. "Press come on, talk to me sweets,"

The nickname he has called me since he found out about my sweet tooth when I first moved seems to comfort me a bit as my breathing starts to soften, the previously loud sobs now quieter and muffled by the boy's always sleeveless shirt.

♫ Luke's Pov ♫

Writing a song, I hear the garage doors open it and ignore it at first just thinking it must be one of the guys. Until I hear screaming sobs belting from the girl I had just been writing about.

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