They're Proud of you.

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Twenty ~ They're Proud of you.

♫     ♥     ♫

It's the day after the dance, and Presley is in the studio, Julie had gone to Flynn's last night so Presley had to deal with the boys' constant "I'm sorry's" until the girl got home, so naturally she's hiding in the loft.

"Presley can we talk," It's Reggie,

"What? Wanna say sorry 100 times again? Be my guest." Presley Truly wanted to forgive the boys, she just felt she had been too forgiving in the past, although she was super close to giving up with the " I'm still mad" act as it's very difficult when you love those you're supposed to be mad at.

"Look, I have apologized a thousand times, so doing that again won't help. You know i'm sorry, I can only wait for you to forgive me."

"So what did you want to talk about then?"

"Julie..." he said, not meeting Presley's eyes. "I- you said she had a look in her eyes when I mentioned the twins... does she like me?"

Of course, Mr flirt wants to know if Julie likes him. "Reg, I don't know. I know you like her-"

"I wish she'd forgive me, i'm so stupid sometimes."

This boy's mind is running a mile a minute, "Reggie she'll forgive you soon enough, but don't get your hopes up on her liking you back, It's hard enough for me to tell myself she isn't in love with Luke,"

"They do have good stage chemistry."

"Shut the fuck up,"

"Sorry... Why would she like Luke though? She knows you are dating him."

He doesn't understand how feelings work, "she would like Luke for the same reason Bobby liked me,"

"Bobby liked you?"

"Yea... when you jackasses left Bobby's house, I stayed and did my own revenge which ended in him saying he loved me and that's why his daughter's name is Carrie, I yelled at him through writing and left."

Reggie's jaw was practically on the floor, "HE SAW YOU?"

"No, but he could if I chose to show him, you do remember how my songbook reveals me to lifers right?" Reggie gasped.

"So we could've just had you shown yourself FOR US?!"

"Technically yes, wow you guys really don't pay attention."

♫ Presley's POV♫

I'm currently sitting in the cafe with all of my boys, Reggie messing with some poor girls food while she's on her phone.

"Reg I know it's fun and all, but you're gonna freak her out, also why are we here?"

"Presley that's like the whole point," Reggie continues moving the plate until the girl gets up and leaves. "And Luke said something about this place being a hotspot for music industry people,"

I look up to my favorite boy, who just so happens to be wearing sleeves today, "Luke you know your handwriting sucks," I tell him, as I see him writing on a paper

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