The Truth

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Twenty Six ~ The Truth

♫    ♥    ♫

It has been three days since Presley had run off. All the boys were in different stages. Alex was convinced she had just gone to be with Willie for some reason.

Luke was confused on why she couldn't have told them her plan.

And Reggie. Reggie was a wreck, It was like losing her all over again. He lost his sister, He lost the girl that came to him for help when she was having problems at home. He lost the girl who took care of him when his own home life became too much. Reggie clung to the letter she left, hoping it would bring him to her. He wanted nothing more to just see her again, but the other boys' coping mechanisms were to distract themselves, they were trying to focus on getting the Orpheum gig again and be with Julie.... Reggie was alone.

Alex and Luke were arguing about something unnecessary and it was getting into Reggie's head. "Stop yelling in front of Reggie!" Alex yelled. They never argued in front of him, they knew how he was still scarred from his childhood.

"I wouldn't have to if you just listened to me!" Luke countered.

"Shut the fuck up! Both of you!" Reggie tried to not curse directly at people unless he had to. Right now he had to. "I'm going to go look for Presley, since neither of you can be bothered!"

Reggie stomped his foot and Teleported to the doorstep of the James household. He knew that Presley wouldn't be hiding inside the house since apparently Sylas can see her.

'I'll just check the treehouse again...' he thought to himself, walking towards the tree, he wiped his eyes and poofed up.

Reggie sighed, the room was dark and cold, he didn't see that Presley was here until he heard a soft hum coming from the sleeping girl. She was curled up in the corner in just some pajamas.

"Oh my god! Presley!!" He yelled in glee. 'I found her! I found her!' being his only current thoughts, Reggie was now crying happily as he tackled the small girl in the biggest hug.

"Shit Reg, what are you doing here?"

"Alex and Luke were arguing, I missed you. We all do, it's taking a huge toll on us P. I came hoping you'd be here, And here you are!"

"Awe Reggie. I'm sorry they were arguing, and trust me I miss you too."

"Why are you so pale?" Reggie whispers, finally noticing the fragile state of his best friend, "Are you okay?"

"Huh? Oh yea, I- must just be cold haha." her fake chuckle was extremely evident. "You should go. It's not safe."

"Who's doing this to you? What do you mean it's not safe, I- I'm not leaving without you."

"Reggie I mean that the reason I'm so pale is for Caleb! And you have to go because if he checks on me and you're here then your afterlife is fucked! And no! I'm not going with you. I can't come back until everything is sorted, and I save you guys."

S W E E T S | Luke PattersonWhere stories live. Discover now