The Call

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Twenty Nine ~ The Call

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"Okay, I'm going to go wait with Julie... I'll see you later Willie."

Presley was standing outside the Orpheum with Willie, Alex, Reggie, and Luke. She only came to say goodbye to Willie "Just in case."

"Are they okay? Did Willie do it? Are they guys there right now? Presley say something!!" Julie was attacking the ghost girl with questions as soon as she poofed into the studio.

"They're all fine, Willie did it, they guys are probably dancing around the office getting you that gig."

"Us." Julie corrects, Presley's eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "They're getting Us that gig, not just me."

"Right, well... now we wait."

The girls wait for their friends and play music and plan outfits for the performance. They talk and laugh and nervously twiddle their thumbs as more time passes.

The guys poof back into the garage after about 1 hour, with their arrival Julie bombarded them with similar questions as when Presley came back, only this time 2 girls were awaiting the answers.

"Woah, that's a lot of questions... Luke, wanna handle this one?" Reggie says, taken aback by all of the questions.

"Take a seat... both of you." Luke gestures to the couch.

"Yea, you should be getting a call right..." Alex stretches out on the word right and pauses before continuing. "Now!"

The whole group stares down at Julie's phone waiting for The Call.

"Right.." Alex is trying again. "Now!"

And seconds after the phone rings, to which Alex puts his hands out awaiting high fives "Told ya."

"Pick it up!" all the ghosts say after watching Julie just stare at her phone for a second.

" - Is this Julie of Julie and the phantoms? - " Julie confirms it is her and the lady on the other end clears her throat. " - Are you available to open for us tonight? - "

They all stare at Julie and take a second to celebrate, before Presley Puts her fingers to her lips to make the guys shut up, and shoos Julie to continue the call."

"Yea totally," Julie's attempt to sound collected made Presley giggle, and the guys are completely partying.

Ah shit Alex is jumping into Luke and Reggie's arms...

" - Okay - " Julie thanks the lady " - See you then. - " and the call ends.

"WE'RE PLAYING THE ORPHEUM BABY!" Julie and Presley scream at the same time.

The guys are now spinning Alex while they hold him "haha I'm swimming!"

Presley spends the rest of the day with Julie helping her prepare for the biggest gig yet. Right now, the two girls are walking through Julie's house on the way to the studio.

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